Guide biogas biogasportal info Guide to Biogas From production to use GUIDE TO BIOGAS FROM PRODUCTION TO USE CThe Project Technology Cooperation in the Energy Sector of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ supports the Federal M

biogasportal info Guide to Biogas From production to use GUIDE TO BIOGAS FROM PRODUCTION TO USE CThe Project Technology Cooperation in the Energy Sector of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ supports the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development BMZ to improve framework conditions technical assistance and approaches for the deployment of renewable energies and energy e ?ciency in developing and emerging countries The English version of the Leitfaden Biogas was jointly ?nanced by the following GIZ projects - Technology Cooperation in the Energy Sector - Project Development Programme PDP East Africa - ASEAN-Renewable Energy Support Programme - Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy E ?ciency Programme PREEEP Uganda - SINO - German Project for Optimization of Biomass Utilization Supported by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit Dag- Hammarskj? ld-Weg - Eschborn Germany T - F - E energy giz de I www giz de CPublished by the Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohsto ?e e V FNR with support of the Federal Ministry of Food Agriculture and Consumer Protection due to a decision of the German Federal Parliament CProjectholder Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohsto ?e e V FNR Internet www fnr de On behalf of Federal Ministry of Food Agriculture and Consumer Protection BMELV Internet www bmelv de Editing support Deutsches BiomasseForschungsZentrum DBFZ Internet www dbfz de Partners Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft e V KTBL Internet www ktbl de Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut vTI Internet www vti bund de de institute ab Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Schnutenhaus Kollegen Internet www schnutenhaus-kollegen de Publisher Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohsto ?e e V FNR Editorial Copyright Cover FNR Abt ? ?entlichkeitsarbeit Mark Paterson FNR Werner Kuhn LWG FNR iStockphoto Layout www tangram de Rostock th completly revised edition Gülzow All rights reserved No part of this work may by reproduced processed distributed or archived without written permission of the publisher Responsible for conclusions and results concepts and recommendation are only the authors not the publisher C Contents Indizes List of ?gures List of tables List of contributors Purpose of the Guide M KALTSCHMITT F SCHOLWIN Objective Approach Contents Target groups De ?nition of scope Technology Substrates Currency of data Scope of data Fundamentals of anaerobic digestion J FRIEHE P WEILAND A SCHATTAUER Generation of biogas Environmental conditions in the reactor Oxygen Temperature pH value Nutrient supply Inhibitors Operating parameters Organic loading rate and retention time of the digester Productivity yield and degree of degradation Mixing Gas generation potential and methanogenic activity References CGuide to biogas ?? from production to use Plant technology for biogas recovery J POSTEL U JUNG EL FISCHER F SCHOLWIN T WEIDELE H GATTERMANN A SCHATTAUER P WEILAND Features of and distinctions between various procedural variants Dry matter content of the substrate for digestion Type of feed Number of process phases and process stages Process engineering Substrate management Biogas recovery Storing digested substrate Storing the recovered biogas Relevant engineering codes References Description of selected substrates J FRIEHE P WEILAND A SCHATTAUER Substrates from agriculture Manure Energy crops Substrates from the agricultural processing industry

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