Raf glossary GLOSSARY OF R A F SLANG TERMINOLOGY A c aircraft Acc or Trolley Acc Accumulator battery used to start aircraft engines on the ground Ack under the old phonetic alphabet Ack stood for the letter A thus ack-ack was A-A or anti-aircraft artiller
GLOSSARY OF R A F SLANG TERMINOLOGY A c aircraft Acc or Trolley Acc Accumulator battery used to start aircraft engines on the ground Ack under the old phonetic alphabet Ack stood for the letter A thus ack-ack was A-A or anti-aircraft artillery Adj short form for Adjutant - the administrative assistant to the CO of a squadron Air Commode Air Commodore Airscrew the complete assembly of three or four propellers hub and spinner Aircrew the men who actually ew the bomber into battle A M O Air Ministry Orders See bumph Anchor one who waits too long to drop by parachute Angels a term used in airborne radio communications One angel was feet thus angels was feet of altitude AOC Air O ?cer Commanding Armourer ground crew responsible for bombs defensive ammunition ares etc Arse end charlie rear gunner R AG Arsy- tarsy Aircrew Reception Centre Bale or bail out to leave an aircraft by jumping - hoping that some clot had packed your 'chute correctly Bag collect secure possibly illegally Bags of a great amount as in bags of ak over the target Balbo large formation of aircraft Balloonatic member of Balloon Command Banana-boat aircraft carrier Bang on to be right on target By extension to be right on the mark about any observation also spot on Basher man chap fellow in a particular trade e g stores basher Battle dress blues woolen working uniform Bandit enemy aircraft Beatup to y very low over a populated air ?eld Beehive very close formation of bombers hive with ?ghter escort bees Beer-lever joystick Belt to travel at a high speed or to hit target heavily Belt up be quiet Best blues parade uniform Binding whining about conditions Black a something reprehensible e g he's put up a black with the CO about the mess he made of the march-past Blighty the U K Blitz time the time briefed for all aircraft to pass over target Blood-wagon ambulance CBloody at the time this was fairly heavy duty profanity often made more mild by transliteration to ruddy Blue used by the Australians in reference to anything that was red Blue the the desert Bods squadron personnel Body-snatcher stretcher bearer Bo ?ns scienti ?c or technical types who worked on new aircraft developments Bog a latrine - also bi ?y Bolshie a crewman who took a dim view of service bull Boomerang an operation that required one to return to base with a u s kite Boost the amount of supercharging given to an engine to increase power Bowser tanker truck or lorry used to refuel aircraft down the ights B P D Base Personnel Disposal - where you went when you were O T E Brass the or Brasshats commanding o ?cers at the Wing or Group level so called because of the amount of gold braid found on hats of Group Captains Wing Commanders and Air Vice Marshalls Brassed o ? extremely unhappy Also browned o ? Brew up to prepare
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- Publié le Nov 29, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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