References leca philip stretchable 50376 2017 philippe unlocked
Thèse de Justine Philippe Lille Bibliographie Agilent- Understanding RF Microwave Solid State Switches and their Applications Application Note Agilent Technologies Inc Printed in USA May - EN Agirregabiria- Agirregabiria M F J Blanco J Berganzo M T Arroyo A Fullaondo K Mayora and J M RuanoLópez ??Fabrication of SU- Multilayer Microstructures Based on Successive CMOS Compatible Adhesive Bonding and Releasing Steps ? Lab on a Chip Ahn- Ahn Jong-Hyun Hoon-Sik Kim Keon Jae Lee Seokwoo Jeon Seong Jun Kang Yugang Sun Ralph G Nuzzo and John A Rogers ??Heterogeneous Three-Dimensional Electronics by Use of Printed Semiconductor Nanomaterials ? Science ?? Ahn- Ahn Jong-Hyun Hoon-Sik Kim Keon Jae Lee Zhengtao Zhu Etienne Menard Ralph G Nuzzo and J A Rogers ??High-Speed Mechanically Flexible Single-Crystal Silicon Thin-Film Transistors on Plastic Substrates ? IEEE Electron Device Letters ?? Ahn- Ahn Bok Y Eric B Duoss Michael J Motala Xiaoying Guo Sang-Il Park Yujie Xiong Jongseung Yoon Ralph G Nuzzo John A Rogers and Jennifer A Le is ??Omnidirectional Printing of Flexible Stretchable and Spanning Silver Microelectrodes ? Science ?? Alpsitec- https www crystec com alpoverf htm Angmo- Angmo Dechan Thue T Larsen-Olsen Mikkel J? rgensen Roar R S? ndergaard and Frederik C Krebs ??Roll-to-Roll Inkjet Printing and Photonic Sintering of Electrodes for ITO Free Polymer Solar Cell Modules and Facile Product Integration ? Advanced Energy Materials ?? Arbess- Arbess Houssam ??Structures MOS -IGBT sur technologie SOI en vue de l ? amélioration des performances à haute température de composants de puissance et de protections ESD ? Phdthesis Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III Battaglia- J -L Battaglia A Kusiak J -R Puiggali Introduction à l'énergétique et aux transferts éd Dunod Baudoin- G Baudoin et coll Radio-communications numériques Principes modélisation et simulation tome col L'Usine Nouvelle éd Dunod Ben Ali- Ben Ali K C Roda Neve A Gharsallah and J -P Raskin ??RF SOI CMOS Technology on Commercial Trap-Rich High Resistivity SOI Wafer ? In SOI Conference SOI IEEE International ?? Ben Ali- Ali K B C R Neve A Gharsallah and J P Raskin ??RF Performance of SOI CMOS Technology on Commercial -Mm Enhanced Signal Integrity High Resistivity SOI Substrate ? IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices ?? Bergland- Bergland G D ??A Guided Tour of the Fast Fourier Transform ? IEEE Spectrum ?? ? Tous droits réservés lilliad univ-lille fr CThèse de Justine Philippe Lille Bibliographie Bescond- M Bescond Modélisation et simulation du transport quantique dans les transistors MOS nanométriques ? Université de Provence Aix-Marseille I Blanco- Blanco F J M Agirregabiria J Garcia J Berganzo M Tijero M T Arroyo J M Ruano I Aramburu and Kepa Mayora ??Novel Three-Dimensional Embedded SU- Microchannels Fabricated Using a Low Temperature Full Wafer Adhesive Bonding ? Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering ?? B? berl- B? berl M M V Kovalenko S Gamerith E J W List and W Heiss ??Inkjet- Printed Nanocrystal Photodetectors Operating up to ?? ?m Wavelengths ? Advanced Materials ?? Bracale- A Bracale Caractérisation et modélisation des transistors MOS sur substrat SOI
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- Publié le Jan 07, 2023
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 124.7kB