study guide 1 OSHAcademy Course Study Guide Emergency Action Plans COSHAcademy Course Study Guide OSHAcademy Course Study Guide Emergency Action Plans Copyright ? Geigle Safety Group Inc No portion of this text may be reprinted for other than personal use
OSHAcademy Course Study Guide Emergency Action Plans COSHAcademy Course Study Guide OSHAcademy Course Study Guide Emergency Action Plans Copyright ? Geigle Safety Group Inc No portion of this text may be reprinted for other than personal use Any commercial use of this document is strictly forbidden Contact OSHAcademy to arrange for use as a training document This study guide is designed to be reviewed o ?-line as a tool for preparation to successfully complete OSHAcademy Course Read each module answer the quiz questions and submit the quiz questions online through the course webpage You can print the post-quiz response screen which will contain the correct answers to the questions The ?nal exam will consist of questions developed from the course content and module quizzes We hope you enjoy the course and if you have any questions feel free to email or call OSHAcademy NW Amberglen Parkway Suite Beaverton Oregon www oshatrain org instructor oshatrain org Copyright ? - Geigle Safety Group Inc Page of COSHAcademy Course Study Guide Contents Course Introduction Why should you have an Emergency Action Plan Module Basic Questions What is a workplace emergency What is an Emergency Action Plan What are the components of an e ?ective Emergency Action Plan Do I Need an Emergency Action Plan How do I evaluate my workplace What are the steps in developing the EAP Module Quiz Module Developing the EAP Make sure the EAP meets speci ?c needs Consider and list potential natural or man-made emergencies Develop rescue and medical assistance strategies Important communications considerations Identify methods for reporting ?res and other emergencies Develop methods to alert employees Identify how and when employees will be trained Address how and when drills and retraining will be conducted Module Quiz Module Policies and Procedures Copyright ? - Geigle Safety Group Inc Page of COSHAcademy Course Study Guide One policy doesn't ?t all situations Duties and Responsibilities of the EAP Team Determine speci ?c evacuation routes and exits Procedures for assisting people during evacuations Assembly areas and methods to account for all employees Address how visitors will be assisted in evacuation and accounted for Module Quiz Module Duties Responsibilities and Training Establish authority Determine who is in charge Designate Evacuation Coordinators Designate Evacuation Wardens Conduct employee EAP training What everyone should know how to do Retraining and Practice Drills Module Quiz Module Plan Review Coordination and Update Review coordinate and update the plan Coordinating with other organizations Coordinate practice with other organizations Update the EAP regularly Module Quiz Copyright ? - Geigle Safety Group Inc Page of COSHAcademy Course Study Guide Course Introduction Why should you have an Emergency Action Plan The importance of an e ?ective workplace safety and health program cannot be overemphasized There are many bene ?ts from such a program including increased productivity improved employee morale reduced absenteeism and illness and reduced workers' compensation rates Unfortunately workplace accidents and illnesses still occur in spite of e ?orts to prevent them and proper planning is necessary to e ?ectively
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Aoû 27, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 93.9kB