Cerec guide 1 kÉ? ? ç? W NOKOMNO bob d? áÇÉ léÉê íá? ? f? ? íê? ? íáç? ? Operating Instructions b? ? ? á? Ü CSirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions CEREC Guide Table of contents General information Structure of the document Identi ?cation of th

kÉ? ? ç? W NOKOMNO bob d? áÇÉ léÉê íá? ? f? ? íê? ? íáç? ? Operating Instructions b? ? ? á? Ü CSirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions CEREC Guide Table of contents General information Structure of the document Identi ?cation of the danger levels Formats and symbols used Symbols used Intended use Indications Safety instructions Product description Description of the CEREC Guide surgical guide Materials Application Application information Preparation of the scan template Planning the implant and exporting the data Milling the drill bit Creating the surgical guide Disinfection sterilization of the surgical guide D D CSirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions CEREC Guide General information Structure of the document General information General information Please read this document completely and follow the instructions exactly You should always keep it within reach Original language of the present document German Structure of the document Structure of the document Identi ?cation of the danger levels Identi ?cation of the danger levels To prevent personal injury and material damage please observe the warning and safety information provided in this document Such information is highlighted as follows DANGER An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death WARNING A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily injury or death CAUTION A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury NOTICE A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the product or an object in its environment IMPORTANT Application instructions and other important information Tip Information on making work easier b? ? ? á? Ü D D C General information Symbols used Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions CEREC Guide Formats and symbols used Formats and symbols used The formats and symbols used in this document have the following meaning ?? Prerequisite First action step Second action step or Alternative action ? Result See Formats and symbols used ? ?? List Command menu item Prompts you to do something Identi ?es a reference to another text passage and speci ?es its page number Designates a list Identi ?es commands menu items or quotations Symbols used Symbols used Symbol Description NOTICE Observe Operating Instructions This product is a medical device in accordance with Council Directive EEC Rx only REF CAUTION According to US Federal Law this product may be sold only to or by instruction of physicians dentists or licensed professionals ABC Article number LOT ABC Batch number This product is intended for single use only NON STERILE non-sterile D D CSirona Dental Systems GmbH Operating Instructions CEREC Guide General information Intended use Intended use Intended use The CEREC Guide concept is designed for the manufacture of individual implant surgical guides by specialist dental sta ? technicians The surgical guide is designed as an auxiliary device for dental surgery The CEREC Guide requires the CEREC system and a D X-ray system from Sirona such as GALILEOS or ORTHOPHOS XG D Indications Indications The CEREC Guide is used for dental implants that are completed with supported

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  • Publié le Sep 01, 2022
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  • Taille du fichier 83.9kB