Barron oo q6wrfn rw7xev Volume No Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com The history of Memorial Day May nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle Though many people are quick to refer to Memorial Day as the uno ?cial beginning of summer the
Volume No Phone - - ? Web www yourbg com ? E-mail ads yourbg com The history of Memorial Day May nd Of Service To The Eastern Panhandle Though many people are quick to refer to Memorial Day as the uno ?cial beginning of summer the day is much more than that Initially known as Decoration Day Memorial Day is a day to remember those military members who died in service of the country The origins of Memorial Day remain a topic of debate In President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo N Y as the o ?cial birthplace of Memorial Day However the roots of Memorial Day likely run much deeper as researchers at Duke University note that during the Civil War organized women ? s groups in the south had begun to decorate the graves of fallen soldiers Memorial Day as we know it today can likely be traced to Charleston S C where teachers missionaries and some members of the press gathered on May to honor fallen soldiers During the Civil War captured Union soldiers were held at the Charleston Race Course and hundreds died during captivity Upon their deaths soldiers were buried in unmarked graves When the Civil War ended the May Day gathering was organized as a memorial to all the men who had died during captivity The burial ground was landscaped and those freed as a result of the Civil War played an integral role in the event at the Charleston Race Course While the event in Charleston might have been the ?rst Memorial Day-type celebration in the southern United States General John A Logan is often cited as inspiring similar events in the north As commanderin-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic a veterans ? organization for men who served in the Civil War General Logan issued a proclamation just ?ve days after the Charleston event that called for Decoration Day to be observed annually across the country Logan preferred the event not be held on the anniversary of any particular battle and thus the day was observed for the ?rst time on May Celebrating the day in May also was signi ?cant to event organizers because May is a month when owers are in bloom making it easier for observers of the holiday to place owers on the graves of fallen soldiers - - Specializing In ? Roo ?ng ? Doors ? Windows ? Insulation ? Siding ? Energy Analysis ? Garage Doors ? Gutters Downspouts heritageroo ?nginc com Ask About Our Financing Locally Owned Operated - - Serving the Four-State Area Licensed Bonded Insured A C S R OO Q WRFN RW XEV ZZZ XQÀUH QHUJ ROXWLRQV FRP WKHU UHVWULFWLRQV PD DSSO RW YDOLG ZLWK DQ RWKHU RIIHU RED BARRON FLOORING OFF OFF any sale between any sale over - Cannot be combined with other o ?ers coupons Expires Shop our sq ft facility for Carpet Vinyl Laminate Hardwood Tile and Area Rugs Wesel Boulevard Hagerstown MD - - www redbarron ooring
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- Publié le Dec 05, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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