Bibliographie centre emotionnels 3

Bibliographie centre émotionnels Centre émotionnel Bennette G Psychic and Cellular Aspects of isolation end Identity Impairment in cancer A dialectic Alienation ? Annales of the New York Academy of Sciences October N Cobb S Social Support as Moderator of Life Stress ? Psychosomatic Medicine No SeptemberNOctober N Cohen S Social Supports and Physical Health ? in E M Cummings et al LifeNSpan Developmental Psychology Perspectives on Stress and Coping N Sarason I G et al Life Events Social Support and Illness ? Psychosomatic Medicine no N Schmale A H Giving up as a Final Common Pathway to changes in Healt ? Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine N Weiss J M et al E ?ectcs of Chronic Exposure to Stressors on AvoidanceNEspace Behavior and on BrainNorepinephrine ? Psychosomatic Medicine No N Centre émotionnel Mason J M Psychological Stress and Endocrine Function ? in E J Sachar ed Topices in Psychoendrocrinology New York Grune and Stratton N Reiter R C Occult Somatic Pathology in Women withChronic Pelvis Pain ? Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology no March N Van de Veld T H Fertility and Sterility in Marriage New York Covici Friede Weil R J and C Tupper Personality Life Situation and Communication A study of Habitual Abortion ? Psychosomatic Medicine No November N Centre émotionnel Alvarez W C Nervousness Indigestion and Pain New York Hoeber Henke P G The Amygdala and Restraint Ulcers in Rats ? Journal of Coparative Physiology and Psychology No April N CMahl G F Anwiety HCI Secretion and Peptic Ulcer Etiology ? Psychosomatic Medicine No MayNJune N Sen R N and B K Arnand E ?ect of Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus on Gastric Secretory Activity and Ulceration ? Indian Journal of Medical Research No October N Zawoiski E J Gastric Secretory Response of the Unrestrained Cat Following Electrical Stimulation of the Hypothalamus Amygdala and Basal Ganglia ? Experimental Neurology No February N Centre émotionnel Alexander F Psychosomatic Medicine London George Allen and Unwin Ltd Bacon C L et al A Psychosomatic Survey of Cancer of the Breast ? Psychosomatic Medicine No November N Derogatis L R et al Psychological Coping Mechanisms and Survival Time in Metastatic Brest Cancer Journal of the American Medical Association No October N Helmers K F et al Hostility and Myocardial Ischemia in Coronary Artery Disease Patients Psychosomatic Medicine No January N Kawachi I et al A Prospective Study of Anger and Coronary Heart Disease ? Circulation N Shaywitz B A et al Sex Di ?erences in the Functional Organization of the Brain for Language ? Nature No February N Centre émotionnel Morillo E and L I Gardner Activation of Latent Graves ? Disease in Children Review of Possible Psychosomatic Mechanisms ? Clinical Pediatrics No March N Voth H M et al Thyroid Hot Spots Their Relationship to Life Stress ? Psychosomatic Medicine No November N Wallerstein R S et al Thyroid Hot Spots A Psychophysiological Study ? Psychosomatic Medecine No November N Centre émotionnel CBooth G Psychodunamics in Parkinsonism ? Psychosomatic Medicine NO January

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