Bibliography 2023 03 28T025238 203

BIBLIOGRAPHY Coopeland L W and M B Mcdonald Principles of Seed Science and Technol-ogy Second Edition Burger Publishing Company Minneopolis Minnesota USA p Dermiyati Jeni Antari Sri Yusnaini dan Sutopo Ghani Nugroho A Change in The Population of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganism in Farm Field with Intensive Farming System into Continuous Organic Farming System J Tanah Trop Vol No P - Hardjowigeno S The Soil Science Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa Jakarta Khan F S Khan S Fahad S Faisal S Hussain S Ali A Ali E ?ect of Di ?erent Levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on the Phenology and Yield of Maize Varieties American Journal of Plant Sciences Vol P - Makkulawu A T Sunartiningsih Adnan AM The Development of Waxy Corn Variety Hybridization Immunity to Disease Perenosclerospora maydis L and Drought Tolerance Having High Rate Results T Ha PKPP Implementation Team Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology Jakarta Plante A F Soil biogeochemical cycling of inorganic nutrients and metals In Soil Microbiology Ecology and Biochemistry rd E A Paul Ed Academic Press Amsterdam pp - Pratamaningtyas S Isolation Characterization and Activity Testing of Phosphate and Nitrogen Scavenging Microbe from Local Banana Musa paradisiaca Stem and Weevil Doctoral Dissertation Brawijaya University Malang Rouf A A A Zubair D Walangadi M Y Antu dan Sukarto Analysis in Waxy Corn Seed Puri ?cation in Gorontalo Proceeding in National Cerealia Week p Sharma S B R Z Sayyed M H Trivedi and T A Gobi Phosphate solubilizing microbes sustainable approach for managing phosphorus de ?ciency in agricultural soils SpringerPlus Review p - Suarni dan S Widowati Structure Composition and Nutritional Value of Corn Cerealia Research Center Maros and Post- harvest Development Research Center Bogor Subagyono K U Haryati dan S H Tala ? ohu Water Conservation Technology in Dry Land Farming Journal Dry Land Conservation Technology P - Syuryawati Margaretha dan Hadijah Waxy Corn Cultivation Supports Food Diversi ?cation and Farmer Economy Status Proceeding in National Cerealia Week P - CYa ?zham Application of Phosphate Solubilizing Microbes and P Fertilizer in Red-Yellow Podzolico Peanut Production J Agrotrop VIII P - C

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