Bibliography 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY taken from Ádám Nádasdy Background to English pronunciation Phonetics phonology spelling Budapest Nemzeti Tank? nyvkiadó Pronouncing Dictionaries Jones Daniel English Pronouncing Dictionary EPD th ed by Peter Roach and James H
BIBLIOGRAPHY taken from Ádám Nádasdy Background to English pronunciation Phonetics phonology spelling Budapest Nemzeti Tank? nyvkiadó Pronouncing Dictionaries Jones Daniel English Pronouncing Dictionary EPD th ed by Peter Roach and James Hartman Cambridge CUP BrE AmE ?? th ed by A C Gimson Reprinted with Revisions and Supplement by Susan Ramsaran BrE only Kenyon J S and Knott T A A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English Spring- ?eld Merriam AmE only Nádasdy A Huron ? s English Pronouncing Dictionary Budapest Texoft-Biograf BrE some AmE Wells J C Longman Pronunciation Dictionary LPD London Longman BrE AmE General dictionaries using this transcription system COB Collins Cobuild English Language dictionary Ed by John Sinclair London Collins LDCE Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English rd ed by D Summers Harlow Longman OALD Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English Originally com piled by A S Hornby th ed by J Crowther Oxford UP OCED Oxford Concise English Dictionary th ed by D Thompson Oxford Clar endon Press OED Oxford English Dictionary Volumes - nd ed by J Simpson and E Weiner Oxford Clarendon Press English phonetics and phonology Cruttenden A Gimson ? s Pronunciation of English th ed London Arnold Giegerich H J English phonology An introduction Cambridge UP Kreidler C W The Pronunciation of English A Course Book in Phonology Oxford Blackwell Kreidler C W Describing Spoken English Oxford Blackwell McMahon April M S An Introduction to English Phonology Oxford UP Roach P English Phonetics and Phonology a practical course Cambridge UP Wells J C Accents of English An Introduction Cambridge UP Practical materials Bowler B and S Cunningham Headway Advanced Pronunciation Oxford UP Brazil D Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English Cambridge UP Fletcher C Longman Pronunciation Dictionary Study Guide London Longman Fletcher C and J D O'Connor Sounds English a pronunciation practice book Harlow Longman Jones D The Pronunciation of English Cambridge UP CKovács J and Siptár P Újra angolra hangolva az angol kiejtés k? nyve Bp Helikon Lecumberri M L G and J A Maidment English Transcription Course London Arnold Morris-Wilson I English Phonemic Transcription Oxford Blackwell Nádasdy A Angol kiejtési gyakorlatok a gimnázium számára Bp Tank? nyvkiadó Nádasdy A Practice Book in English Phonetics and Phonology Bp ELTE SEAS O'Connor J D Better English Pronunciation nd ed Cambridge UP Suprasegmentals stress intonation Brazil D Coulthard M and Johns C Discourse Intonation and Language Teaching An Account of Intonation in English London Longman Couper-Kuhlen E An introduction to English prosody London Edward Arnold Cruttenden A Intonation Cambridge UP Fudge E English Word-stress London Allen and Unwin O'Connor J D and Arnold G F Intonation of Colloquial English A Practical Handbook London Longman Quirk R et al A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language Appendix II Stress Rhythm and Intonation pp - London Longman Earlier version entitled ??A Grammar of Contemporary English ? Varga László A Contrastive Analysis of English and Hungarian Sentence Prosody The Hung Eng Contrastive Linguistics Project Working Papers Bp MTA Wong R Teaching pronunciation Focus on English stress
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- Publié le Jan 03, 2023
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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