Big sur guide Free ? Big Sur Guide ? Free Summer - Spring Big Sur Coastline and Bixby Bridge Photo by Daniel Bianchetta ??The Greatest Meeting of Land Sea ? Big Sur is located along Scenic High- way One approximately miles south of San redwood lumbering i
Free ? Big Sur Guide ? Free Summer - Spring Big Sur Coastline and Bixby Bridge Photo by Daniel Bianchetta ??The Greatest Meeting of Land Sea ? Big Sur is located along Scenic High- way One approximately miles south of San redwood lumbering industry provided livelihoods for many The Old Coast Trail which had been inches ?lls the many streams that ow down the redwood-lined canyons Coastal fog cools the summer Francisco and miles north of Los Angeles the only link between homesteads was still little mornings but it usually lifts by early afternoon Historically the name Big Sur was derived from more than a wagon trail Steamers transported that unexplored and unmapped wilderness area heavy goods and supplies and harbored at Notley ? s It is wise to include both warm and cold weather which lays along the coast south of Monterey It Landing Partington Cove and the mouth of the clothing when packing for Big Sur A damp foggy was simply called el país grande del sur the Big Little Sur River morning can be followed by a warm afternoon In the South Country Today Big Sur refers to that - interior valleys of the Wilderness Area the tempera- mile stretch of rugged and awesomely beautiful Navigation was treacherous and in the tures are more extreme the fog bank seldom crosses coastline between Carmel to the north and San Point Sur Lighthouse began sending its power- the coast ridge so the days are likely to be hot and Simeon Hearst Castle to the south Highway ful beam to protect ships from the hazards of the the nights chilly One winds along its length and is anked on one coastline side by the majestic Santa Lucia Mountains and The scenic qualities and the natural grandeur of on the other by the rocky Paci ?c Coast In the present highway was completed the coast which result from the imposing geography after eighteen years of construction at a consider- the rich vegetative compositions and the dramatic Although there were two Mexican land grants able expense even with the aid of convict labor meetings of land and sea are the area ? s greatest awarded in the ? s which included most of the The highway has since been declared California ? s single attraction to the public Big Sur has attained area north of the Big Sur Valley neither grantee ?rst Scenic Highway and it provides a driving a worldwide reputation for its spectacular beauty settled on the land It was little more than a cen- experience unsurpassed in natural beauty and Hiking backpacking and scenic driving are major tury ago when the ?rst permanent settlers arrived scenic variety recreational activities in Big Sur In the following decades other hardy persons followed and staked out their homesteads Electricity did not arrive in Big Sur until the Highway through Big Sur is a designatedAmeri- The landmarks bear the names of many of those early ? s and it still does not extend
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- Publié le Jui 23, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 89.2kB