Outdoor guide 2014 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER www cadillacnews com H CADILLAC NEWS TRUSTED LOCAL CONNECTED fall outdoo r s Recreation Hunting Fishing Early preparation enhances the bow hunter ? s odds of success BY ANDY DUFFY SPECIAL TO THE CADILLAC NEWS ? Deer lik
FRIDAY SEPTEMBER www cadillacnews com H CADILLAC NEWS TRUSTED LOCAL CONNECTED fall outdoo r s Recreation Hunting Fishing Early preparation enhances the bow hunter ? s odds of success BY ANDY DUFFY SPECIAL TO THE CADILLAC NEWS ? Deer like the turnips They ? ll even come in to it Steve George of Evart one of a growing band of archery hunters anticipating the arriv- after the ?rst snow ? al of Michigan ? s archery deer season was busy enhancing the property where he hunts Steve George Archery hunter He stood gazing across an n irregularly shaped tilled area where he intends to plant a sitting in the tree he has seen food plot He ? ll use a seed mix ducks geese and otters in the that includes turnips rye and a creek He tossed an apple core couple of other grasses mixed out of his stand one fall day in Before long an opossum wan- ??Deer like the turnips ? he dered by and ?nished the apple said ??They ? ll even come in to it During the rut he sometimes after the ?rst snow ? watches bucks wade right up George begins thinking the creek about bow season each year George doesn ? t hunt just pri- late in the summer He puts in vate property He makes some his food plot He puts his stands forays into the state forest too back in trees He practices with The wilderness experience his bow ??I like to get pro ?cient appeals to him A little bit of shooting ? he said the Daniel Boone disposition George likes to hunt deer and reigns in us all he is good at it He has shot a lot If George had to choose be- of deer and a lot of bucks were tween ri e hunting and bow among them It is not just the hunting the length of the sea- deer though that draw him to son and the quietness of the the woods He puts his stands fall woods before the guns start where he can watch a variety banging are the things that of wildlife make bow hunting special for At the edge of his future food him plot stands a tall white pine He is quick to tell a person He likes to put his tree stands that he is a meat hunter He in white pines because he likes taking venison He likes believes the fragrance of the the idea of antler point restric- pine helps cover up his scent tions anyway He likes that particular tree be- cause it is near a creek While SEE RATIO ON H ANDY DUFFY SPECIAL TO THE CADILLAC NEWS Evart bowhunter Steve George tests the steps of his tree stand George likes to post stands in white pines He believes their fragrance helps cover his Hunter ? s Specials Cadillac No Rd N Mitchell St N Mitchell Works Ave Goode Ave - Day Crazy Coupon Sale Friday September
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- Publié le Nov 02, 2021
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