Product guide 4 Product Guide ? ? Spring C ??Changing the world One drop one person one community at a time ? Meaning ??Gift of the Earth ? In a group of healthcare and business professionals came together with a common vision of sharing the power of pure

Product Guide ? ? Spring C ??Changing the world One drop one person one community at a time ? Meaning ??Gift of the Earth ? In a group of healthcare and business professionals came together with a common vision of sharing the power of pure essential oils with the world Each understood that essential oils ??when properly sourced from optimal regions and thoroughly tested for the highest levels of purity and potency ??are the Earth ? s gift to humanity With this gift comes great responsibility to respect the power of each element the expertise of each grower and the potential of each contributing community d ?TERRA focuses on maintaining the highest levels of purity and sustainability as it partners with local growers around the world through C ?- Impact Sourcing This unique model implements long-term mutually bene ?cial supplier partnerships where skilled rural farmers oversee plants and growing environments In return d ?TERRA provides jobs with fair payments leading to stronger local economies and healthier stable supply chains Each d ?TERRA essential oil passes through rigorous CPTG Certi ?ed Pure Tested Grade testing guided by cutting-edge advancements in essential oil research and testing implementation d ?TERRA bene ?ts from the ever- increasing knowledge and expertise of a Medical Advisory Board made up of global consultants in chemistry microbiology botany research science physiology and nutritional science Since d ?TERRA ? s beginning independent Wellness Advocates have shared the lifeenhancing bene ?ts of d ?TERRA CPTG essential oils with millions of customers throughout the world d ?TERRA has emerged as a global integrative health and wellness company and the world ? s largest essential oil company By partnering with respected medical professionals and world-renowned research partners d ?TERRA is revolutionizing healthcare by integrating conventional medical professionals with alternative approaches to address individualized health and wellness To ensure that d ?TERRA never forgets the sacredness of this gift the d ?TERRA Healing Hands Foundation o ?ers resources and tools to global sourcing communities and charitable organizations for self-reliance healthcare education and sanitation and for the ?ght against human tra ?cking We respectfully o ?er this ??gift of the Earth ? to you and your family ? Veri ?ed global market leader in the Global Aromatherapy and Essential Oils market ?? ? Essential Wellness C CAdaptiv System page Helichrysum Touch page Yarrow Pom Collection page C Contents What Are Essential Oils CPTG Certi ?ed Pure Tested Grade Essential Oil Uses Where to Begin Essential Oil Singles Touch Florals Single Oils Quick Reference Essential Oil Blends Oil Blends Quick Reference Family Essentials Kit AromaTouch Technique d ?TERRA Emotional Aromatherapy System Yoga Collection Kids Collection d ?TERRA Emotional Aromatherapy Touch Di ?users Adaptiv Yarrow Pom Deep Blue d ?TERRA Serenity d ?TERRA Breathe d ?TERRA On Guard Natural Deodorant Correct-X Baby Essential Skin Care Veráge HD Clear Women Hair Care Spa d ?TERRA Healing Hands Vitamins Supplements d ?TERRA Nutrition Digestive Health Children ? s Supplements Weight Management d ?TERRA Kids Collection page TO ORDER

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