Chicago manual of style examples
Style Sheet Notes and Bibliographic Examples Chicago Manual of Style Journal Article Note st Sean Hanretta ?? Women Marginality and the Zulu State Women ? s Institutions and Power in the Early Nineteenth Century ? Journal of African History - Following footnotes of the same article Hanretta Bibliography Hanretta Sean ?? Women Marginality and the Zulu State Women ? s Institutions and Power in the Early Nineteenth Century ? Journal of African History - Magazine Article Note Adam Rogers ??Thinking Di ?erently Brain Scans Give New Hope of Diagnosing ADHD ? Newsweek December - Bibliography Rogers Adam ??Thinking Di ?erently Brain Scans Give New Hope of Diagnosing ADHD ? Newsweek December - Newspaper Article Note Tanya Kerstiens ??Pick a Color Children of Mixed Race Struggle to Find Identity ? Bellingham Herald January sec C p News items from daily papers are rarely listed separately in a bibliography when using this style In a work containing both a bibliography and notes citations to speci ?c items may be given in the notes or in the text and not listed in the bibliography Authored Book Note Gilbert Herdt Same Sex Di ?erent Cultures Exploring Gay and Lesbian Lives Boulder Colorado Westview Press Following footnotes for the same book Ibid ??in the same place ? is used to refer to a single work cited in the note immediately preceeding Ibid When the work is cited earlier but not immediately preceeding Herdt CBibliography one author Herdt Gilbert Same Sex Di ?erent Cultures Exploring Gay and Lesbian Lives Boulder Colorado Westview Press Note three or more authors Jones Mary et al A History of the World Bellingham From the Beginning Press Following footnotes for the same book Jones et al History of the World Bibliography three or more authors Jones Mary Frank Smith Alex Jackson and Sarah Pope A History of the World Bellingham From the Beginning Press For works having more than three authors a note citation should give the name of the ?rst author followed by ??et al ? or ??and others ? The bibliography citation should list all the authors Chapter or Article in an Edited Book or Anthology Note Hannah Betts ??The Image of this Queene so Quaynt The Pornographic Blazon ? in Dissing Elizabeth NegativeRepresentations of Gloriana ed Julia M Walker Durham Duke University Press - Bibliography Betts Hannah ??The Image of this Queene so Quaynt The Pornographic Blazon - ? In Dissing Elizabeth Negative Representations of Gloriana edited by Julia M Walker - Durham Duke University Press Electronic or Online Book Bibliography Gibbons Barry J Gender in Mystical and Occult Thought book on line New York Cambridge University Press accessed February available from NetLibrary http www netlibrary com Internet Entry from an Encyclopedia or Dictionary familiar Note Encyclopedia Americana th ed s v ??impeachment ? Note s v stands for sub verbo ??under the word ? Bibliography Well known reference books are usually not listed in bibliographies Entry from an Online Encyclopedia or Dictionary familiar Note ??Salish ? Britannica
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- Publié le Jui 28, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
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