Choir repertoire guide ?? LITERATURE INDEX The ten courses below include a choral book of octavos each a book of sight-singing songs and exercises and a piano accompaniment book The selections listed inside are the octavos in each of the choral books Midd

?? LITERATURE INDEX The ten courses below include a choral book of octavos each a book of sight-singing songs and exercises and a piano accompaniment book The selections listed inside are the octavos in each of the choral books Middle School Level GR ADE S ?? Level GR ADE S ?? A TREBLE Unison -Part TREBLE SA SSA High School Level GR ADE S ?? Level GR ADE S ?? TREBLE SA SSA SSAA TREBLE SA SSA SSAA Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment B TREBLE Unison -Part Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment TENOR BASS TB TTB TBB Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment MIXED -Part Mixed SAB SATB Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment TENOR BASS TB TTB TBB TTBB Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment MIXED SATB Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment MIXED SATB ?? part div Choral Sight-Singing Piano Accompaniment CLevels A and B A TREBLE All the Pretty Little Horses Brinca La Tablita The British Grenadiers Chatter with the Angel Band Count on Me Fum Fum Fum Going Down to Cairo J'aime la Galette Kalinka Mangwani Mpulele Marienwürmchen One Short Day Parade of the Wooden Soldiers The Pasture The Singers Spin Spin Spin This Little Light of Mine A Tragic Story Windy Nights You Can't Stop The Beat B TREBLE Ac-cen-tchu-ate the Positive Adorar al Nino Al Shlosha D'Varim The Artist Teaches Us All Down in the Red River Valley The Dream Keeper El Capotín Festival of Lights The Glory Train Here We Come a-Caroling It Don ? t Mean a Thing If It Ain ? t Got That Swing Joshua Fit the Battle Little David Play on Your Harp My Favorite Things A New Year Carol Ode to Joy Old Dan Tucker The Rainbow When I Close My Eyes You Gentlemen of England American Folk Song arr Brian Finley Dominican Folk Song arr Francisco J Nú? ez th Century Song ed Emily Crocker Traditional Spirituals arr Shelly Cooper Mars Levine Lawrence arr Janet Day Spanish Carol arr Judith Herrington Sara Glick Illinois Play Party arr Douglas Beam French Folk Song arr Ruth Boshko ? Russian Folk Song arr Audrey Snyder South African Folk Song arr Jerry Estes Johannes Brahms arr Mary Goetze Stephen Schwartz arr Tom Anderson MacDonald Jessel arr John Leavitt Daniel Kallman Ralph Vaughan Williams Michael Jill Gallina Traditional Spiritual arr Ken Berg Benjamin Britten Mark Patterson Shaiman Wittman arr Roger Emerson Mercer Arlen arr Steve Zegree Venezuelan Villancico arr Victor Johnson Allan Naplan Mark Patterson American Folk Songs arr William L Ballenger Rollo Dilworth Puerto Rican Folk Song arr Lois Fiftal Greg Gilpin Israeli Folk Song arr Tom Anderson Gene Grier and Lowell Everson Traditional English arr Joyce Eilers Ellington Mills arr Roger Emerson Traditional Spiritual arr Jill Gallina Traditional Spiritual arr Rollo Dilworth Rodgers Hammerstein arr Mac Hu ? Benjamin Britten Ludwig van Beethoven arr Roger Emerson American Folk Song arr Susan Brum ?eld David Childs Jim Papoulis Martin Parker edited by Emily Crocker CLevel TREBLE All Join Hands

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