Chicago landlord guide CChicago Landlord Guide Whether you ? re a big management company a part-time real estate investor or a ?rst-time landlord you ? ll face the same challenges and with limited exceptions be forced to comply with the same laws when ren
CChicago Landlord Guide Whether you ? re a big management company a part-time real estate investor or a ?rst-time landlord you ? ll face the same challenges and with limited exceptions be forced to comply with the same laws when renting out your apartment The key to success is retaining tenants avoiding vacancies and staying on the right side of the law particularly in Chicago where the penalties for non-compliance with the local landlord-tenant ordinance are draconian and expensive In this guide domu hopes you ? ll ?nd the advice you need to succeed You ? ll get useful tips on marketing to renters landing creditworthy and responsible tenants and making all the disclosures required by federal state and local law We ? ve even provided sample forms on the Free Forms section of our website plus links to other sources of valuable information Rent The Apartment Quickly ? Price the unit competitively Repeated showings are time-consuming and ine ?cient Checking domu for comparable apartments is a great way to learn the market ? Structure leases to expire during the early spring and summer months when the Chicago rental season is hottest The winter season is traditionally slow ? Prepare the property to show well Touch up paint remove clutter clean the unit and be cognizant of landscaping ? Use the Internet to market the property In this rapidly changing technological world tenants turn to the Internet ?rst and domu routinely exceeds one million page views per month ? Take appealing photographs primarily of the building exterior the kitchen the living area and the bathrooms Renters are reluctant to schedule appointments if they can ? t preview the apartment interior online More often than not tenants who have not seen pictures ?rst will end up not renting the apartment ? If necessary o ?er concessions such as one month ? s free rent ? Respond promptly to e-mail and telephone inquiries Screen Your Tenants ? Personally interview all potential tenants before renting the apartment ? Require all tenants to complete and sign an application form at the tenant ? s own expense The application should request the tenant ? s consent to a credit check as well as a criminal background check an eviction report and a sex o ?ender search Feel free to use the domu tenant application form Request a driver ? s license or other form of identi ?cation in order to ensure that the face matches the name on the credit report ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? chicago landlord guide ? C ? Credit-checking options for part-time landlords include both RentApplication net and TransUnion SmartMove ? If a prospective tenant poses any kind of credit risk
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- Publié le Jan 30, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 40.4kB