Css guide 1 Aur Allah jise Chahta hai Izzat deta hai aur jise Chahta hai zillat deta hai Surah Imran WHAT CSS IS Assalam-u-Alaikum Dear Aspirants I would start this article with the name of Allah Rabb-ul-Izzat who is the Merciful and The Gracious I am wri

Aur Allah jise Chahta hai Izzat deta hai aur jise Chahta hai zillat deta hai Surah Imran WHAT CSS IS Assalam-u-Alaikum Dear Aspirants I would start this article with the name of Allah Rabb-ul-Izzat who is the Merciful and The Gracious I am writing down this detailed document which will comprise the CSS preparartion from the very ?rst stage till the exam-days Numerous friends and aspirants had asked for such kind of a document which could be helpful for every aspirant I ? ll try and go ahead step-by-step If someone really wishes to aspire for CSS he she MUST have these prerequisites for passing this Competitive Exam Commitment Concentration Consistency SUBJECT SELECTION It has been quite rightly said that good subject selection is half a success especially when it comes to CSS Subjects should neither be ?nalised very early nor quite late Aspirants are generally found quite perplexed especially when it comes to ?nalising their optionals They often fall prey to the ambiguous term such ?? Scoring ? trend After the change in the paper-pattern this year the subject-selection becomes even more crucial The CE- has come quite gard at the aspirants and has stunned them completely where they were seen biting their nails and scratching their heads after failing to cope with simple yet technical questions Therefore it is highly recommended that aspirants must keep the following aspects in mind prior to ?nalising their optinal subjects They are written in order of signi ?cance Educational Background Personal Interest Scoring Trend REMEMBER It is you who is going to ?nalise the subjects Don ? t leave it to someone else Nor you should follow someone ? s advice blindly since there is di ?erence between your aptitude and background and that of other person CDURATION Numerous aspirants are found wondering as to how much time the CSS preparation generally takes Di ?erent peole have di ?erent opinions ranging from months to months and to hours a day Well CSS is merely a game of study of months in total and hours a day Therefore PLANNING is something that matters the most when it comes to CSS Well let us sort it out in the simplest of manners without complicating the matter Total hours Sessions Each session hours FIRST DAYS Session Everyday Science Session Pak A ?airs Session Islamiyat Next DAYS Session Everyday Science Session Optional Session Optional Next DAYS Session Current A ?airs Session Optional Session Optional Next DAYS Session Current A ?airs Session Optional Session Optional Next DAYS Session Current A ?airs Session English Essay Session English Precis and Composition CTotal Duration days months Subjects covered NOTE You can utilize the remaining month by taking the tests at any good academy or even solving past-papers STRATEGY I know that I did not mention any time for the revision of whatever is studies Well you can go through my FILE regarding the Revision Strategy for your convenience P S I know that most of the aspirants will be wondering

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