Digital investigations guide

Directors ? and Corporate Advisors ? Guide to Digital Investigations and Evidence Second Edition www iaac org uk CThe Information Assurance Advisory Council IAAC is a private sector led crossindustry forum dedicated to promoting a safe and secure Information Society IAAC brings together corporate leaders public policy makers law enforcement and the research community to address the security challenges of the Information Age IAAC is engaged with Government and corporate leaders at the highest levels it produces innovative policy advice based on professional analysis and global best practice Corporate Sponsors Government Liaison Panel Disclaimer IAAC ? s recommendations do not necessarily represent the views of all of its members or sponsors whether private sector or Government Strategic interaction with Government is through a Government Liaison Panel Directors and Corporate Advisors Guide to Digital Investigations and Evidence Page of CForeword As Chairman of the Information Assurance Advisory Council IAAC I am delighted to be associated with this updated Guide to Digital Investigations and Evidence for Directors and Corporate Advisors written by Professor Peter Sommer The purpose of this guide is to make directors and managers and their professional advisors aware of the issues involved in collecting analysing and presenting digital evidence The nature of information usage and handling is changing but our approach to managing it is not Government Departments are still assimilating the full implications of the wide range of major issues raised in the reports that followed the recent serious data losses These contained many common themes that are equally applicable to the private sector Each loss has undermined the con ?dence of individuals in the ability and commitment of Government Departments agencies and their private sector service providers to protect their personal data The most widely publicised recent data losses have involved government departments and their private sector partners Less well publicised but signi ?cant data losses continue to occur in the private sector These failures threaten reputation trust business and operational e ?ectiveness and personal and corporate security They constitute signi ?cant business risks and are therefore of direct interest to executive board members and the respective audit committees Data losses may arise from incompetence or from criminal activity In either case failures in process culture behaviour management oversight and overall governance are likely to be contributory factors This may well be because executives at board level have not fully understood and managed two of their principal business assets ?? their people and their data ?? and the risks related to them This useful guide highlights the potential risks for enterprises that do not have a detailed planned response to typical risk scenarios It points out that the ? Low Frequency High Impact ? events are disruptive and emphasises that ? High Frequency Low Impact ? events are also disruptive and must be addressed by contingency plans and preventative measures In commending Professor Peter Sommer ? s clear and informative guide to its readers I seek to highlight the crucial importance of timely and sound decision making

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