Educ 203 country teaching prezi

Michelle Bollar Mary Fontenord Vanessa Nguyen CFrench Statistics ? Current population is million people ? O ?cial language is French ? France is a secular republic The state education system attaches great importance to the principle of secularism la la? cité and there is no formal teaching of religion in state schools in France Private Catholic schools are the exception ? About of the French population say they are Catholic ? The French Government spends about billion on education which is of its GDP ? PISA scores Science- US - Reading- US - Mathematics- US - Overall- US - CFrench Educational Program ? All educational programs in France are regulated by the Ministry of National Education ? The head or Ministre of the ministry is one of the highest-ranking o ?cials in the cabinet ? The French educational system has a national curriculum meaning that the curriculum is the same for all French students in any given grade ? Public education is free for ages - there are fee-based private schools there are programs to assist in paying for higher education CEducation in France ? Compulsory for the ages of - ? Large majority of children start school well before minimum age often as young as two years of age ? Over of - year olds are still in full-time education or following a vocational training course ? of all school pupils in France complete their secondary education and take the High-school leaving certi ?cate examination known as the Baccalaureat or the Baccalaureat Professionnel ?? The o ?cial target is to get that to CThe French Educational Philosophy Emphasizes ? The authority of the teacher ? Individual competition including an absolute grading system no grading on the curve ? Stress an analytical thought and rote learning as opposed to creativity ? Generally high academic expectations CJules Ferry a Minister of Public Instruction in the s is widely credited for creating the modern school He also made public instruction mandatory free of charge and secular CCreches ? Takes babies form months to age years-until they can attend the Maternelle ? There are several types of crèches Crèches Collectives Haltes-Garderies Micro-Crèches Crèches Parentales etc providing di ?erent services regular or temporary child care size and management crèches Parentales require the parents to help ? Getting a slot can be hard and mothers are advised to look for a slot as soon as they are pregnant Ecole Maternelle ? Takes pupils ages - years ? Prepares children for entry into primary school ? Curriculum includes reading writing numeracy and even a foreign language in some along with artistic creative activities ? It has classes ??les petits ? ??les moyens ? and ??les grands ? CEcole primaire or Ecole élémentaire Primary school or Elementary school ? Five classes for students ages to ? Primary school curriculum in France includes ? literacy ? Numeracy and arithmetic ? geography and history ? the arts ? French and a foreign language usually English ? The ?ve classes

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