Education guide EDUCATIONAL GUIDE Welcome to the enchanting world of Rodgers Hammerstein ? s Cinderella a beloved tale retold around the world Everyone knows a version of the story but now Rodgers Hammerstein ? s Cinderella is waltzing onto Broadway with

EDUCATIONAL GUIDE Welcome to the enchanting world of Rodgers Hammerstein ? s Cinderella a beloved tale retold around the world Everyone knows a version of the story but now Rodgers Hammerstein ? s Cinderella is waltzing onto Broadway with a makeover by book writer Douglas Carter Beane Sister Act Xanadu with the same classic elements and some surprising new twists Recommended for the whole family Rodgers Hammerstein ? s Cinderella is a timeless tale where dreams really do come true The actors are at places the orchestra is tuning and the curtain is just about to rise Before the musical begins and even after the ?nal bows this guide will provide great ideas on how to keep the magic alive for both the theater and the classroom Jam- packed inside are character descriptions a synopsis of the show information about the origins of the musical and a brief history of fairy tales Also included are recommended pre-show and post-show discussion prompts and activities that will help your students explore the major themes and elements of the production The experience of the theater extends beyond the pages of the script or even the theater ? s exits With this guide students can carry the magic of Rodgers Hammerstein ? s Cinderella and the arts into the classroom TABLE OF CONTENTS Character Descriptions Plot Synopsis From Page to Stage A History of the Show Behind the Wand Rodgers Hammerstein Spotlight on ? Douglas Carter Beane Once Upon a Time ? An Enchanting History of Fairy Tales A Brief Word About Royal Manners Theater Etiquette Pre-Performance Activites Write Your Own Fairy Tale Scene Creative Writing Do You Know Cinderella English and Literature Post-Performance Activities Ideas to Discuss After the Ball Around the World Before Midnight Social Studies and Creative Writing Fighting Bullying One Giant at a Time Community ??Ridicule ? Building Self-Con ?dence Am I Perfect for the Ball Self-Image and Body Awareness Who ? s Behind the Mask Exploring Facets of Character Is That Really You Performance and Social Studies Don ? t Judge a Book By Its Cover Visual Arts Cast Your Ballot Social Sciences Dreams Do Come True Goal Building A Magical Dreamboard Goal Building CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS ELLA CINDERELLA is a young lady with the kindest heart in the kingdom She dreams of escaping her endless chores so she might one day see the world MARIE enters the story as a senile poor woman but she magically transforms into her true form as Ella ? s wise and compassionate Fairy Godmother MADAME is Ella ? s stepmother a vain and ty- rannical woman only concerned with her wealth and her daughters ? happiness Madame does not consider Ella her stepdaughter a true daughter PRINCE TOPHER is the Prince of the entire kingdom but he needs a bit of inspiration to realize his full potential JEAN-MICHEL is a poor revolutionary with many ideas about how to improve society JeanMichel is in love with Gabrielle GABRIELLE begins the story as just another

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