Energy matters solar guide

C Solar panels Solar Inverters Mounting Systems Cables and connectors Electricity meters Orientation Tilting Shading Mounting STCs Feed in Tari ?s Questions for your installer Questions for your electricity retailer Questions for your electricity provider about the meter connection Solar Power Consumer Guide V - CSolar power systems are collectively saving Australian households over a million dollars a day on their electricity bills Aside from giving you the opportunity to generate your own electricity a rooftop solar array addresses issues relating to the expense and ine ?ciency of distributing power over long distances and contributes to reining in wholesale electricity prices in Australia The electricity solar panels produce is also ??clean ? ?? an environmentally friendly way to generate power unlike the use of coal or other fossil fuels Because they have no moving parts solar modules are extremely reliable with an expected life span of several decades They are also self-cleaning easy to install and require very little in the way of maintenance The average vehicle in Australia travels km per annum which is equivalent to tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually A kW grid connected solar power system will avoid tons of carbon dioxide created through coal ?red power generation - so it's the equivalent of taking a car o ? the road each year Solar Power Consumer Guide V - CThe two main types of solar power systems are grid connect and o ? grid stand alone remote power A grid connect installation ensures you have the electricity you need whenever you need it - automatically and regardless of weather conditions With a grid connect system your property is still connected to the electricity grid for periods such as night-time when solar electricity production is not possible An o ? grid solar power system is completely separated from mains power and is more expensive as it utilises a battery bank for storing electricity generated by solar panels O ? grid installations are most common in rural and outback areas of Australia where the mains grid isn't available or prohibitively expensive to connect to Solar Power Consumer Guide V - CMost people in residential areas going solar invest in grid connect systems Electricity from the solar panels is converted into supply suitable for domestic appliances via an inverter Whenever the system produces more power than is being used the surplus is fed into the mains grid Depending on your electricity provider and location you could be paid a premium for every kilowatt hour of electricity your solar system feeds into the grid When your solar system isn ? t producing energy ?? for example at night ?? the electricity is supplied by the mains power grid as usual Solar panels directly convert sunlight into direct current DC electrical energy The inverter converts the solar DC power into V alternating current AC ready to be fed back into the grid or used in your home AC power from the inverter goes through the switch board for use in your

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