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LEARNFRENCH A OR SSUHOMORRMCTEHPROROSOSCGEHROAOML IN FRANCE USE OUR INTERACTIVE MAP OF FRANCE ? S REGIONS TO CHOOSE FROM AMONG PROGRAMS http ecolesdete campusfrance org CLEARN FRENCH E xplore programs in French as a foreign language Choose a program that matches your goals and preferences French an international language spoken by million people worldwide w orking language of the European Union and an o ?cial language on countries on continents language of instruction of more than million people out of countries and territories foreign language learned by more than million people th language of the Internet Source OIF CSHORT PROGRAMS AND SUMMER SCHOOLS The cultural experience you want ? in a short program or summer school Add an activity athletic cultural artistic food-related etc An array of programs o ?ered exclusively by institutions belonging to the Campus France Forum your assurance of quality Students may elect to receive a certi ?cate of study or sit for an exam In some cases programs taught in French qualify for credit under the European Credit Transfer System CCAMPUS FRANCE ON THE WEB AROUND THE WORLD AND RIGHT NEXT DOOR ? w ww campusfrance org has everything you need to choose a program of study in France ? o ?ces in more than countries provide personal support and assistance ? T he France Alumni network enables graduates to stay in touch with France after completing their studies October March ?? Photo credits ? Fotolia Campus France Learn more on the Campus France website Information about your program site institutional pro ?les support services Students Resources center Practical and institutional guides A guide to tests and degrees in French DEGREES STUDY IN FRANCE A FTINOERSFETISRGANENNLDACNDHEGGUARAEGSEES thinreecFcsloquFierrutdrecaoTaaeiurTghnlcdilLotnaecOhTyAber ElttPNeoaahd SvwO ?feaGnrefTteoSatUle Rilscsheietscoariee nUMmnrdenYEedtinsio ngeapeantrcu Dtgon Acn ucsrPyfaFsihcoiurosye cSha oSenrF iraicchaertthrm osyinilfnchiHiineNlNicnaolasgolf oeihdlEgonfnihnihl orbstofohetoEunsgghsol eeIIoenarru ? ndgsclcpnad rlwoioFrritgEdshmenieoneoeTgtmtmernthuiuq ESsesimio tneioringdMishisarrEtiunltenpseidso iFa ntmgietemci slaossuaRapruu- eno oueothEleatfsdintsdfoahe tidotriofouf ratumtNict ? tyonneeoDleseuneTsreltde rprhFeiahgfGranoottin er iLl euoEtsuotop Cneirtbcea Fl dl e r onaioôatninTblncfooe rntLonlsEotEmsuoeanitam lgmhg ? daeuctirmeaslucfFuhctamneIhsSieeknlinitsr petosliiraRetseOestdsetsns o uUewGnoeeilef chhtrryswe t nnaitienF s nesclTtans ersaAeuenastfrnnia oi- osh onno sildervienDiiotdlgP dnnnats rauitireSTtLerihtg aolnterAu iprdsttdend sretCetteooeuonaseuPlhepcTD uAgoa hnaohreeAnotoDwerrrrttcoitpÉeUrfeeiPevrsaepKnshlnraeiipAEptat rcc cmeeNilolridoeohioiest Tinr sdeArotoetalasacetttypoelaassgtn oloamedcnkenoTicutifrripitnntihuFadlrncnioenapwnoooteacapc stolteuai fofraefooerrtaapeetrpReore aree hnaograanlc aldwoFuvnei ? t rgieaenctmrcmnDccnefrtebeagnaowicaoedF csnaddsboheeFu ewt rTeiiseurnoattnneaooddct- rsnwpe niith nsyDmrnoesa ?ugtosce ?p -tr neemeftwTtfsnArrotidfttrbddcptoooeAlyiaasewchuishetiocPbuawoeyfaupfTrhksneasfreIlsece- awsmrFfe srmtSyc rett Cetsedeo gennscsfdheehr etsCiwOToer ? a searFnsaaiéimrpoeas yt neIc-CtnT ptstetntneEseuftbr rcahcpiureAiicat- roeresCtFd niasePalia k zlceeoe rddeenuq na s ftqvFetsaeslsmeir fsptdudiitao untecocm otpontosCaT hioiilen idro ?noanerntirrtedCele-ridornty feicengnnndop seThndott Fuf dTivfetadeaeFDe ?fvstteFtnoatlCeiinCeefrscopsedhLcaecArdfrpcoryls rtifatrFcsasTaaFoenrnaP tiésbr- stavncnaantgdmtdCotndoy iaeadytegI ooecot gonaifhnaFrarneepics TrsmpemfnoTsugpeaegnç- TrCdawpt hor eDiFenahaiqiwnoooeCoarucplI sTfqirr seg EAssudcgnhvafcieusrmiFhut e PiiaastiPteglaint qeChaooet etteDensTet dcCetuii- lne ?naro odmhsitneo AhTneteFuiCnn nit yeTsernCsoPe- htbddse itrh cM ninexeFrfeeapininmeeeodp ioMrrlsrstisqsnriFararaunootsae eiuitrnnRdi ssafronnsleeIoildai as a foreign language Students Resources center Educational and research programs Everything you need to know about the French language Students Getting organized Learning French C

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