Front mission alternative guide
FRONT MISSION ALTERNATIVE FAQ WALKTHROUGH VERSION FINAL VERSION HISTORY --------------- - - - Minor ?xes - - - Fleshed out Secrets section Added PlayStation Mouse controls Guide complete - - - FAQ Walkthrough complete Will make updates in the future for grammar and guide corrections TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- Sections Search Codes INTRODUCTION INTR BASICS BASE WALKTHROUGH WALK SCENARIO ONE SCE Chapter One - Zygomatic CHA Chapter Two - Auditory Canal CHA Chapter Three - Parietal CHA Chapter Four - Quadripartite Le Crown of the Hea CHA SCENARIO TWO SCE Chapter Three - Parietal CH B SCENARIO THREE SCE Chapter One - Zygomatic CH B Chapter Two - Auditory Canal CH B SCENARIO FOUR SCE Chapter One - Zygomatic CH C SECRETS SECR CREDITS CRED To quickly ?nd the section you want press Ctrl F at the same time to access the Find options If you want to access something type in the word Cin and the themselves If you want to ?nd the Credits type in CRED AUTHOR'S NOTE ------------- It's about time I ?nished my Front Mission Alternative guide collection To those who are looking for a full walkthrough of the game this guide is for you Enjoy Sites allowed to post this guide http www gamefaqs com http www gamespot com http www neoseeker com http www supercheats com http www up com I will consider allowing other sites to post this guide if I get an email on the address shown above I'm usually open to allowing other sites to post my guides provided that I am credited for my work I assume anyone reading this is aware of the guide's purpose so I don't think I need to explain that Also don't try and pass this work of as your own I've created this guide in a certain way that allows me to identify if someone has plagiarized from my guide Respect those who spend a great deal of time making guides to help out other people We don't do it just because guide writing is fun you know INTRODUCTION INTR This is an FAQ Walkthrough for Front Mission Alternative released in Japan on the Sony PlayStation This guide is to be used alongside my beginner's guide on GameFAQs Only speci ?cs about the game's material will be covered in this guide Do not send me e-mails about material that is already in the beginner's guide as I will simply delete it With that said let's move onto the main attraction BASICS BASE CThis will be brief as most of the game's mechanics have been explained in my beginner's guide You should also consider reading the manual for additional help This is one of those games that you need to go through the manual ?rst before playing it If you don't know where my beginner's guide is located go to GameFAQs CONTROLS GUIDE -------------- USING THE PLAYSTATION CONTROLLER Utilities Directional Pad - Select command select character Comment Start Button - Accept rewrite of save ?le
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Jui 08, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 410kB