Globetrotter travel guide mozambique

TH Ed TRAVEL GUIDE MOZAMBIQUE Vital tips for visitors Best places to stay eat and shop Star-rated top attractions Detailed regional pro ?les Essential area and transport maps Best tours and excursions FREE MAP PDF FOR YOUR PHONE CCONTENTS Introducing Mozambique The Land History in Brief Government and Economy The People Maputo Chief Maputa ? s Capital Historical and Cultural Walks Around Maputo The Lagoon Coast Inhaca Island Maputaland Ponta do Ouro Bilene Lagoon Xai-Xai The Lakes Inhambane and Surrounds Inhambane Bay Tofo Village and Barra Beach Barra Peninsula and Cape Inhambane Maxixe and Surrounds Bazaruto Archipelago and Adjacent Mainland Mainland Towns The Islands En Route to Beira Central Mozambique Beira Gorongosa National Park Chimanimani Transfrontier Reserve Songo and Lake Cahora Bassa Tete Town North of the Zambezi Quelimane The Zambezi Delta Nampula Ilha de Moçambique Pemba Around Pemba Travel Tips Index C C Central Mozambique Beira capital of Sofala province Chimoio capital of Manica province and Tete capital of Tete are the largest towns in Mozambique ? s central and western region All three are historically and architecturally fascinating owing their existence to the need for trading outlets Chimoio is an important farming centre Tete has become a coal mining boom town and is an inland Zambezi River port and Beira a busy ocean harbour at the mouth of the Púngoè and Búzi rivers Tete ? s two squat sandstone stockades reveal its former ? frontier town ? status while dhows handcrafted nearby still ply Beira ? s ultramodern docks In this region the Mozambican Plain narrows giving way to the Mozambican Plateau and the Chimanimani Gorongosa and Bvumba mountain ranges Mangrove swamps still occur sporadically along the coast but corals are restricted by the shallows produced by a widening continental shelf as well as the in uence of silt deposited at the mouths of the Búzi Púngoè and Zambezi rivers Extensive mangrove swamps occur between Beira and Nova Mambone and around Quelimane For birders this habitat is signi ?cant ?? it harbours rare species like the palmnut vulture and elusive mangrove king ?sher found in greater numbers here than anywhere else on earth Gorongosa National Park www gorongosa net has reached an advanced stage of restoration Chitengo Lodge has been upgraded and is now managed by the Girassol group while Explore Gorongosa o ?er guided walking safaris from a remote tented camp The Carr Foundation is MADAGASCAR MALAWI TANZANIA MOZAMBIQU ZAMBIA Tete ZIMBABWE Lichinga Pemba Mozambique E Nampula Quelimane Beira INDIAN OCEAN SOUTH AFRICA Inhambane MAPUTO DON ? T MISS Parque Nacional do Gorongosa Gorongosa National Park undergoing a transformation beyond its former glory Rio Savane a secluded wilderness beach resort km miles north of Beira Praça do Município enjoy an espresso here Chimanimani Reserve Monte Binga forest elephants Macúti Beach fascinating shipwreck and lighthouse Art Deco CFM Estação Hotel Estoril Cinema de Fevereiro Hotel Grande etc Opposite These ? mwade ? dugouts near Magoé are still the main form of transport on Lake Cahora Bassa CCENTRAL MOZAMBIQUE

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