Guide 2023 05 30T014431 403

A User ? s Guide to the CDM Clean Development Mechanism Second Edition February CAbout the Pembina Institute The Pembina Institute ? s mission is to implement holistic and practical solutions for a sustainable world The Pembina Institute is an independent non-pro ?t research education and advocacy organization that promotes environmental social and economic sustainability through the development of practical solutions for business governments individuals and communities in Canada and in developing countries The Pembina Institute provides policy research leadership on climate change energy policy green economies renewable energy and environmental governance as well as extensive formal and public education programs The Pembina Institute Box Drayton Valley AB T A S Canada Tel - - Fax - - e-mail info pembina org Web site www pembina org Acknowledgements This guide to the CDM was published as part of a multi- year project by the Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development Canada and the Tata Energy Research Institute TERI India The project explored the application of the Clean Development Mechanism CDM in Asia and was undertaken in collaboration with ? the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology in Dhaka Bangladesh ? the Center for Research on Material and Energy at the Technology University in Bandung Indonesia and ? the Global Climate Change Institute at Tsinghua University in Beijing China The project was implemented with the ?nancial support of the Government of Canada provided through the Canadian International Development Agency CIDA ?? www acdi-cida gc ca ?? in collaboration with the International Institute for Sustainable Development ?? www iisd ca The guide was written by Roger Peters and Leslie-Ann Robertson with assistance from Carol Brunt i CPreface The Government of Canada rati ?ed the Kyoto Protocol in December By doing so it has committed Canada to reduce its emissions of greenhouse gases GHGs to below levels during the period between and The Kyoto Protocol is the ?rst step in a long process to reduce human impacts on the world ? s climate Canada and the world will reap several bene ?ts from lowering GHG emissions Changes in climate will be slowed reducing the economic and social e ?ects of severe droughts and storms Smog and related health e ?ects will also be reduced Finally economic growth will occur in industries that manufacture and install GHG reduction technologies The federal government released a preliminary climate change plan for Canada in November Although the means by which Canada will meet its Kyoto target and the degree to which each industry will be asked to reduce its GHG emissions have yet to be outlined explicitly companies will be expected to meet reduction targets by Although Canadian companies will be encouraged to reduce most of the emissions from their own operations through e ?ciency upgrades and process changes the Kyoto Protocol also o ?ers the option of ??o ?setting ? some emissions through participation in international market-based investment and trading tools One of these tools is the Clean Development Mechanism CDM which provides a means for countries

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