Guide zappo Book Study Guide The following is a list of key discussion topics presented in The Zappos Experience This information is presented in the book as the ??Try These On for Size ? sections and may serve as group conversation starters Chapter Do yo

Book Study Guide The following is a list of key discussion topics presented in The Zappos Experience This information is presented in the book as the ??Try These On for Size ? sections and may serve as group conversation starters Chapter Do you have explicit corporate values If so do they re ect a blend of founding principles and the evolving demands of the marketplace Or are those values static and immutable What do your customers value How do your corporate values match up with the wants needs and desires of your customers Since values can be both explicit stated and implicit unstated do your corporate actions align with stated values If not what do the major decisions of your business suggest about your company ? s real values How willing are you to consider revising stated values to match your demonstrated actions or revising actions to match your stated values What might those revisions look like What are your personal values Have you taken the time to examine your values lately If you ask people who know you well what values would they ascribe to you Would those values align with your self-perception From a business perspective are you willing to ask your entire company to weigh in on your current and aspirational values What percentage of your company would say that your current values meet the CRUD test of being Credible Relevant Unique and Durable How would you describe the values that currently de ?ne your company C What values can you credibly aspire to in your business What would it take to move those values from aspiration to reality How prominent are your values in the prospective applicant ? s journey to your job posting Do you speci ?cally direct applicants to review your core values Have you involved your employees in videos or other creative vehicles that ?t your business to give a avor for the role of values in your organization Do you give applicants options on how they present their application or cover letter so you can get a richer sense of them even before you look at their quali ?cations Chapter Is your onboarding process the same for frontline workers and executives If separate tracks exist what does that suggest about your culture How many hours of your orientation process address policy procedures etc How many hours are dedicated toward culture Does your onboarding process immerse participants in your culture or does it simply preview it How e ?ectively does your orientation process build empathy for the customer experience and create interdepartmental connections What do you think of Zappos paying new hires to leave If you had to guess what percentage of new hires would leave under a similar o ?er in your business Would you ever consider paying people to exit your company if they sensed they were not a culture ?t Why or why not If given a similar o ?er after orientation does your onboarding process su ?ciently re ect

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