Hoefler stefan dark matter

Indo-European Linguistics ?? brill com ieul Dark Matter The Root ??k u el ? Dark Black ? Stefan H? er University of Vienna hoe es univie ac at Abstract The assumption of a root ??k el ? dark black ? o ?ers new possible etymologies for Arm ?a ax Gk ? ? Toch b kwele Hitt kuu aliu- Gk ? ? ? Lat culex and Lat color whose derivational background will be dealt with in the course of this paper Keywords ?a ax ?? ? ? ?? kwele ?? kuu aliu- ?? ? ? ? ?? culex ?? color The Root ??k el In the Indogermanisches etymologisches W? rterbuch p J Pokorny mentions a root k el- ? schlammig ? ? muddy ? with a question mark the evidence for which is claimed to be limited to Armenian ?a em ? to moisten to mix the mortar ? ?a ax ? clay mud mortar ? and Lithuanian ?veln? s ? soft smooth ? It is not easy to derive the latter from a proposed meaning ? muddy ? so we will have to leave it aside for now A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the th eciec in Vienna in June It is a pleasure for me to thank Melanie Malzahn Martin Peters and Oliver Pl? tz for their helpful advice in the course of the preparation of this study as well as various scholars for their valuable comments during the conference and especially two anonymous iel referees for several precious observations However ??as always ??the usual disclaimer applies I am also grateful to Ronald Kim for his initiative to publish the paper The work on this opuscule has been possible thanks to a doc fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences ? stefan h? er doi - This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial Unported cc-by-nc License Cdark matter The Armenian words however can be interpreted quite straightforwardly It seems plausible that ?a ax should be analyzed as ?a - plus a denominal su ?x or enlargement -ax The verb ?a em can then very easily be explained as denominative from this presumable o-stem ?a in the very same way as gnem ? I buy ? is based on the o-stem gin ? purchase price ? etc Concerning its prehistory one might ?nd it easiest to reconstruct k ln oor k ls o- which would have regularly given Arm ?a in accordance with Armenian sound laws namely k - Arm ?- as in the word for ? dog ? Arm ?own k ?n l Arm al parallel to -r - Arm -ar- as in mard ? human ? from mr to- and -ln- or -ls- Arm - - as in ge ? beauty ? from u el-no- As a matter of fact it seems to have remained unnoticed that there is an exact equivalent of Arm ?a elsewhere in the ie languages The very same pre-form k ls

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