Phasis greek and roman studies
P H A S I S II THE ARGONAUTICA AND WORLD CULTURE II PHASIS Greek and Roman Studies VOLUME II THE ARGONAUTICA AND WORLD CULTURE II IVANE JAVAKHISHVILI TBILISI STATE UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF CLASSICAL BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES CEditorial Board Rismag Gordeziani ?? Editor-in-Chief Tbilisi Dimitris Angelatos Nicosia Valeri Asatiani Tbilisi Irine Darchia Tbilisi Riccardo Di Donato Pisa Tina Dolidze Tbilisi Levan Gordeziani Tbilisi Sophie Shamanidi Tbilisi Nana Tonia Tbilisi Jürgen Werner Berlin Tamara Tcheishvili ?? Executive Secretary Tbilisi fasisi I ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis klasikuri ?lologiis bizantinistikisa da neogrecistikis institutis berZnuli da romauli Studiebi ? programa logosi ISSN - CPhasis I Itamar Singer Tel Aviv WHO WERE THE KA ?KA During the years of their history the Hittites fought many formidable enemies but none of them was as as persistent and evasive as the Ka ?ka tribes of the Pontic ranges All e ?orts of the superior and well-organized Hittite armies to keep them at bay and to e ?ciently protect the vulnerable northern frontier of their kingdom repeatedly failed and the Ka ?ka perennially invaded Hittite-dominated territories and laid waste to border cities and cult-places It was probably the Ka ?ka who eventually gave the ?nal blow to the weakening Hittite capital of Hattusha This is of course the colonial perspective as portrayed in Hittite sources and in Hittitological studies in which the Ka ?ka appear as the aggressive and barbarian nemesis from the north In a more recent post-colonial perspective as now in vogue in frontier studies the Ka ?ka might be conceived as the abused victims of Hittite aggression and occupation of their traditional habitat Glatz Matthews We always have to remember that all the textual evidence comes from the Hittite side and the voice of the other side in this strained relationship is not heard The Hittite sources on the Ka ?ka were ?rst assembled and discussed in the monograph of Einar von Schuler Die Ka ?k? er published in In this seminal study and in his summary in RlA - the illustrious German scholar provided translations of the main sources including treaties administrative lists prayers rituals oracles and of course historical references This data base was then processed into chapters on the history the political organization the economy the religion and the onomastics of the Ka ?ka Von Schuler's monumental work remains the basic tool for any further studies on the Ka ?ka but of course forty years of research have adduced plenty of new data and a reevaluation of some of his conclusions is necessary CWho Were the Ka ?ka One of the most spectacular new discoveries were the texts from Ma at H? yük published by the Turkish scholar Sedat Alp in These documents mostly letters but also some administrative lists provide a vivid picture of everyday life in a Hittite border town and its continuous struggle with the threat posed by the Ka ?ka tribes Thousands of tablets were also unearthed at Ortak? y ?apinuwa east of Ma
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- Publié le Jan 05, 2021
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 82.8kB