Quickstart guide 3 QUICK-START GUIDE CWHY CHOOSE MINERS EUROPE Miners Europe is your reliable mining partner for individuals and companies in Europe With us you ?nd only high- quality miners that actually produce for you We ?rst thoroughly test all miners

QUICK-START GUIDE CWHY CHOOSE MINERS EUROPE Miners Europe is your reliable mining partner for individuals and companies in Europe With us you ?nd only high- quality miners that actually produce for you We ?rst thoroughly test all miners before delivering them to you Our team of mining experts are happy to support you with all aspects of crypto mining so that you can start mining safely and without worries Our large growing portfolio of customers is the proof of that Hosting service is also possible upon request We are happy to provide you with advice so that you purchase the best miner for your situation and preferences You are always welcome to schedule a consultation or to visit one of our websites Miners nl NL Miners eu ENG Miners de DE CWHAT CAN YOU EXPECT When you decide to invest in crypto mining you will ?nd that there are many options online What distinguishes Miners Europe is not the price but the service and guidance that we o ?er our customers with the purchase of their miner Our customers can start mining without worries with the right information and preparation As a certi ?ed crypto mining company we have a team of mining experts so that there is always someone available should you encounter di ?culties After you have installed the miner is when the challenges can really begin We guide you from installation to problem resolution to the pay-out of your crypto coins Our employees are thoroughly screened to ensure reliability We might not always be the cheapest solution but that is what enables us to provide unique support to our customers Every customer gets the attention that he or she deserves CWHAT IS MINING Crypto mining is extremely popular and you are undoubtedly familiar with Bitcoin BTC the best-known crypto coin But what exactly is mining Mining or crypto mining involves performing complex calculations to create crypto funds by means of hardware or software Crypto funds or cryptocurrency is digital money that is encrypted The most well-known and most stable crypto coin is Bitcoin BTC In addition there are many altcoins such as Ethereum ETH and Litecoin LTC Crypto funds consist of blocks The transactions in the crypto fund network are documented on a blockchain the task of miners One miner can mine one or more crypto coins It is also possible to have us manage your miner for you This is especially interesting for individuals for whom the pro ?t does not outweigh the cost of electricity Our mining hosting service is complete with management power maintenance and theft and ?re insurance Thanks to our partnerships we can o ?er competitive rates CINVESTING IN MINING When investing in mining you should be aware that it is a long-term investment You typically get the best results after a year When investing in a miner sound guidance from a reliable partner is essential That is why our team of mining experts provide you with all the support needed With

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