Red guide THE GUIDE TO REDUCING METAL CONTAMINATION IN THE FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY CTHE METAL DETECTION GUIDE Since its formation in Safeline has become the largest metal detection manufacturer in the world with operations in the U K U S A and Europe Des
THE GUIDE TO REDUCING METAL CONTAMINATION IN THE FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY CTHE METAL DETECTION GUIDE Since its formation in Safeline has become the largest metal detection manufacturer in the world with operations in the U K U S A and Europe Design and manufacturing experience from over years supports a worldwide distribution network to advise on minimizing the risk of metal contamination Safeline engineers provide additional customer support in the form of training seminars in your facility to discuss all aspects of ??How to Develop an E ?ective Metal Detection Program ? If you would like more information about the Safeline Microprocessor Metal Detector or to discuss a seminar please contact one of the Safeline o ?ces CTHE GUIDE TO REDUCING METAL CONTAMINATION IN THE FOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY by Andrew Lock METAL DETECTION Copyright ? Safeline Ltd First Printing Second Printing Revised Printing CI THE METAL DETECTION GUIDE I CONTENTS Chapter Subject Page De ?ning the Problem EQUIPMENT Basic Principles Amplitude Detection - Zero Crossover Sensitivity Inspecting Wet or Conductive Products Conveyor and Reject Systems Reject Timing MANAGEMENT OF QUALITY Establishing An E ?ective Metal Detection Program Reasons Why Your Program May Fail Developing a Foreign Material Control System Comparing Metal Detector Brands Final Questions CI THE METAL DETECTION GUIDE I DEFINING THE PROBLEM M etal detectors are now accepted as essential equipment by most food and pharmaceutical processors Many companies lay down strict inspection standards in terms of detector sensitivity Personal E ?ects Buttons pens jewelry coins keys hair clips thumb tacks paper clips However installing metal detectors will not necessarily guarantee a metal- free product unless they form part of an e ?ective overall metal detection program This handbook has been written to help companies set up this program and ??prevent metal from getting through ? The regulatory bodies in both the U S A and U K are making increasingly strong recommendations for the universal inspection of all food and allied products by metal detection equipment For example the United States Department of Agriculture USDA comments ??The extensive exposure of some products to metal equipment such as grinders choppers mixers shovels etc causes the possibility of metal contamination therefore the use of electronic metal detectors is highly recommended ? USDA Technical Services Revised guidelines were also issued by the Food and Drug Administration FDA to update the regulations for Good Manufacturing Practice and to establish new updated or more detailed provisions for the food industry to help ensure a safe and sanitary food supply Maintenance Screwdrivers and similar tools welding slag and swarf following repairs copper wire o ?cuts following electrical repairs miscellaneous items resulting from ine ?cient cleanup or carelessness and metal shavings from pipe repair In-Plant Processing The danger exists every time the product is handled or passes through a process Crushers mixers blenders slicers and transport systems all contribute Examples include broken screens metal slivers from milling machines and foil from reclaimed products Identifying the likely source of contamination is an important stage in
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- Publié le Sep 26, 2022
- Catégorie Geography / Geogra...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 137.3kB