Tapia padilla gabriela 2010r pdf

THESE Presentée pour obtenir le grade de DOCTEUR DE L ? UNIVERSITE DE STRASBOURG Discipline Sciences de la Terre et de l ? Environnement par Gabriela TAPIA PADILLA MODELISATION ET OPTIMISATION DES PROCESSUS DE DEPOLLUTION BIOLOGIQUE DES MATRICES POREUSES CONTAMINEES PAR DES PESTICIDES VERS UNE NOUVELLE FONCTIONNALITE DES BASSINS D ? ORAGE Soutenue publiquement le décémbre devant la commission d ? examen GREGOIRE Caroline MOSE Robert MARTINEZ Luis CAPRI Ettore LEHMANN François TOURNEBIZE Julien WANKO NGNIEN Adrien IDAE à l ? Ecole Nationale de Génie de l ? Eau et de l ? Environnement de Strasbourg Laboratoire d ? Hydrologie et de Géochimie de Strasbourg Professeur à l ? Institut de Mécanique des Fluides et des Solides de Strasbourg Professeur à l ? Université Henri Poincaré Nancy I Professeur à l ? Université Catholique du Sacre C ?ur Piacenza Italie Ma? tre de conférences à l ? Université de Strasbourg Laboratoire d ? Hydrologie et de Géochimie de Strasbourg Chercheur au Cemagref Antony UR HBAN Ma? tre de conférences à l ? Institut de Mécanique des Fluides et des Solides de Strasbourg Directrice de thèse Codirecteur de thèse Rapporteur externe Rapporteur externe Rapporteur interne Examinateur Membre invité CACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank all the people who contributed in some way to the work described in this thesis First I would like to thank to my supervisors Dr Caroline GREGOIRE and Dr Robert MOSE for accepting me into their research groups the Hydrology and Geochemistry Laboratory of Strasbourg LHYGES and the Urban Hydraulics research team HU IMFS based at the National School for Water and Environment Engineering in Strasbourg France ENGEES In particular I would like to extend my sincere and deep gratitude to Dr Adrien Wanko for his guidance and support throughout the course of my study Without his continued support and interest this thesis would not have been the same as presented here I am also grateful to Dr Luis MARTINEZ Dr Ettore CAPRI Dr François LEHMANN and Dr Julien TOURNEBIZE for being part of the examining committee and thesis jury My sincere appreciation also extends to Dr Antoine-Georges SADOWSKI Dr José VAZQUEZ and all the members of the HU group for contributing to a convivial atmosphere at work and providing their assistance at various occasions Special thanks to my several o ?ce-mates through all these years for their company and the co ?e breaks Fabien Renaud Georges Rabih Matthieu Nicolas Jonathan Damien Alain and No? lle A fellowship from the Region d ? Alsace is gratefully acknowledged as well as the funding from the European Commision under the frame of the European LIFE ENVIRONMENT project ARTWET LIFE ENV F I should give a special mention to my friends for their help and encouragement I am thankful to the Association Anahuacalli especially to the dance group members whose help and humor allowed me to get through this project Finally my deeplest gratitude is to my family for their unconditional love and support ii CTABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF

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