User guide slok Standard Operating Procedure Users Guide Slok MikaMax Phone www mikamax nl A users guide for the SLOK P-lock including a speci ?cation sheet Owner MikaMax Cwww mikamax nl S -LOK user Guide A step-by-step guide on how the S -LOK works and w

Standard Operating Procedure Users Guide Slok MikaMax Phone www mikamax nl A users guide for the SLOK P-lock including a speci ?cation sheet Owner MikaMax Cwww mikamax nl S -LOK user Guide A step-by-step guide on how the S -LOK works and what can be done to help your customers The users guide index Application Demo mode Account Add a lock Unlock the lock One- Step Unlock Quick Password Add a friend Sharing Unlock record review Reset the lock Speci ?cations Page of Cwww mikamax nl Application The iGear SLOK app is available for Android and iOS Search for iGear SLOK in either the Google Play Store or the App store Page of Cwww mikamax nl Demo mode After downloading the SLOK App open the application Press the shackle once to connect the lock in demo mode the ?open ? button will turn red Press the ?open button to open the lock Page of Cwww mikamax nl Account Create an account to get access to all features of the SLOK Press Login on the top right of the screen Press Register to create an account After registering press Login and ?ll in the account information to login Lost Forgot password Click the Login button Press retrieve password at the bottom of the login Page of Cwww mikamax nl Add a lock There are three ways to add a lock to your account Click the symbol on the homepage Click the menu in the upper left corner and click the Add lock button Click the symbol on the upper right corner then click the Add lock button When in the Add lock page make sure the lock is within Bluetooth range Press the lock shackle and a lock will appear in the Please select a lock drop-down menu Select the lock you want to add and click the Add lock button The lock is now added to the account Simply swipe to the left or right to switch between di ?erent locks Page of Cwww mikamax nl Unlock the lock There are in total three ways to unlock the SLOK Click unlock One-step unlock Quick password unlock Click unlock is opening the lock using the Open button in the app Simply click the shackle of the lock one time to connect it the Open button will turn red Once the button turns red press it to open the lock Page of Cwww mikamax nl One-Step Unlock The second way to unlock the SLOK is by using the feature One-step unlock Open the SLOK App you will see a One-step unlock slider just below the image of the lock Press this slider so it turns red this means that the One-step unlock is now activated Press the shackle once to make it connect to the Bluetooth on your phone Once it is connect it will automatically open Page of Cwww mikamax nl Quick Password The third way to unlock the SLOK is by using its Quick password feature The ?rst step is

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