Whole study guide Chapter De ?ne the study of human development and explain three important discoveries that developmentalists have made about change Study of human development science that seeks to understand how and why people change with increasing age

Chapter De ?ne the study of human development and explain three important discoveries that developmentalists have made about change Study of human development science that seeks to understand how and why people change with increasing age and how and why they remain the same Three crucial elements Science goal is to understand how and why to discover the processes of and the reason for development Diversity generalities and the speci ?cs Connections between change and time focusing on all changes of human life from the very beginning the very end conception to death Describe the three domains into which human development is often separated Three domains into which human development is often separated Biosocial domain- brain and body as well as changes in them and the social in uences that guide them Cognitive domain - thought processes perceptual abilities and language mastery as well as the educational institutions that encourage them psychosocial domain emotions personality and interpersonal relationships with family friends and the wider community Discuss the three broad overlapping contexts that a ?ect development throughout the life span historical cohort is a group of people born within a few years of each other who tend to share certain historical and social in uences and perspectives Research into the historical context reveals that our ideas about development continue to change An idea built on shared perceptions is a social construction Thus the current view of the role of computers in society which varies from the youngest to the oldest cohorts is a social construction Socioeconomic status SES is determined by several overlapping variables including income education place of residence and occupation At the Cbottom of the SES ladder for example limited opportunities and intensi ?ed social pressures conspire to make growing up especially di ?cult other variables such as the presence of supportive relationships in a family play a crucial role in determining individual development Collective e ?cacy refers to the degree to which neighbors create a functioning informal network of people who show concern for each other Culture a ?ects development in a multitude of interrelated ways from how parents feed or discipline their children to the ways in which they emphasize children's education and independence impact of cultural variations in sleeping arrangements can be seen in the fact that children who sleep alone are taught to be independent of their families while those who sleep with their parents are taught to depend on them for warmth and protection List and describe the basic steps of the scienti ?c method ask a question formulate a research question On the basis of previous research or a particular theory or personal observation pose a question about development develop a hypothesis reformulate the question as a hypothesis which is a speci ?c prediction that can be tested test the hypothesis Design and conduct a research project that will provide evidence- in the form of data- about the hypothesis draw conclusions Use the evidence to support or refute the hypothesis Assess any limitation

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