Entrepreneurship mcqs guide

UMER SALEH FA BBA CIIT ISB Entrepreneurship MCQS Guide SECTION Which one of the following actions by an entrepreneur is most likely to contribute to creative destruction A Development of a new product B Take-over of a competitor C Issuing shares D Reducing prices An advantage of the small ?rm in the innovation process A Ability to carry out R D B Ability to raise ?nance C Ability of the entrepreneur to carry out multiple tasks D Ability of the entrepreneur to act on new ideas or product development External links may provide incentives to A Raise ?nance B Introduce new working practices C Introduce improvements to products D Attend business exhibitions Firms located on science parks compared to those located o ? science parks are A More innovative B Less innovative C No more or less innovative D More growth orientated Innovative small ?rms are more likely in A Knowledge-based sectors B Biotechnology C Automobile manufacture D Aerospace manufacture Schumpeter considered that innovative entrepreneurs would A Thrive B Disappear C Be absorbed within large innovative ?rms D Be absorbed within non-innovative ?rms Innovative entrepreneurs face special issues in raising A Development capital B Structured capital C Human capital D Seed capital Innovative entrepreneurs may have to pay high insurance premiums due to the A The need to protect patents B Greater employee liability C Greater customer liability D Greater trading risks CUMER SALEH FA BBA CIIT ISB Networking by innovative entrepreneurs may be most encouraged by A Science parks B Business incubators C Chambers of Commerce D Business associations The most likely problem encountered by innovative entrepreneurs in raising ?nance is A Limited security since R D is an intangible asset B The costs of the patenting system C The exhaustion of personal equity in R D D Inability of potential external funders to understand technology Answer of Multiple Choice Questions A D C C A C D A B C Which of the following is NOT recognized as a misconception about entrepreneurship A Successful entrepreneurship needs only a great idea B Entrepreneurship is easy C Entrepreneurship is found only is small businesses D Entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses are di ?erent All of the following are characteristics of small businesses EXCEPT A Small businesses are independently owned operated and ?nanced B Small businesses have fewer than employees C Small businesses emphasize new or innovative practices D Small businesses have little impact on industry Which of the following is NOT on of the three areas in which the importance of entrepreneurship can be shown A Innovation B Number of new start-ups C Job creation and employment D bureaucracy The creation of new ?rms is important because these new ?rms contribute to economic development through bene ?ts that include all of the following EXCEPT A Product-process innovation B Increased tax revenues C Unemployment D Social betterment All of the following represent countries in which the highest level of entrepreneurial activity was found EXCEPT A Australia B Korea C Norway D

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