Players guide This is a free book and you can give it away to others provided you leave the link to the Lotto Magic Website in tact You do not have the right to sell this publication Unauthorized duplication or distribution of this material strictly prohi

This is a free book and you can give it away to others provided you leave the link to the Lotto Magic Website in tact You do not have the right to sell this publication Unauthorized duplication or distribution of this material strictly prohibited Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission from the publisher author The author publisher and distributor of this product assume no responsibility for the use or misuse of this product damage and or ?nancial loss to persons as a result of using this report While every e ?ort has been made to ensure reliability of the information within the liability negligence or otherwise or from any misuse or abuse of the operation of any methods strategies instructions or ideas contained in this material herein is the sole responsibility of the reader Published by Harrison Media Group ?COPYRIGHT My Lotto Magic All Rights Reserved www mylottomagic com CWhy Play the Lotteries You may be one of the people that thinks that playing the lottery is a waste of your time and money You may even think that it just requires a high degree of luck to ever win one yourself Besides nobody ever really wins anyway do they While it is true that winning takes a certain degree of luck the true de ?nition of luck is when preparation meets opportunity But how can you possibly prepare to play the lottery Well actually there are a number of things one can do to prepare We'll discuss some of them in this strategy guide I have been a serious lottery player for over years I have spent literally thousands of dollars learning the ropes and gaining the knowledge to win these games I will share some of that knowledge with you as you read through my guide Yes people really do win the lotteries Many are winning hundreds thousands and even millions of dollars every day There are strategies that can have a great impact on your results Some of these strategies can be very complicated while others are so simple that they are just common sense If you want to be a serious player then you are going to need to learn these strategies You will need to invest a little time to educate yourself and it would be wise to do so BEFORE you invest any money to play You will not ?nd a shortage of ??systems ? available The internet is full of websites that promise to give you the edge in your quest to conquer the lottery Some of these so called systems can cost several hundred dollars and o ?er very little to no solid information Buyer beware The good information is easy to understand and is easy to put into e ?ect The good information also takes the complicated mathematical processes and reduces them to a

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