Body guide Workout Plan by Krissy Cela CContents Welcome How to Track Progress Setting Goals Organisation and Tips Di ?erent Types of Workouts Training Dictionary Active Rest Day Supplement Requirement Stretches Workout Plan Weeks - Workout plan Weeks - G

Workout Plan by Krissy Cela CContents Welcome How to Track Progress Setting Goals Organisation and Tips Di ?erent Types of Workouts Training Dictionary Active Rest Day Supplement Requirement Stretches Workout Plan Weeks - Workout plan Weeks - Glossary Thank you PAGE C WEEK TONE SCULPT PLAN BY KRISSY CELA Welcome Hi There Get ready to start a new journey leading to the body you want I know you may be feeling a little down about your body at the moment and you haven ? t found the right programme that seems to work for you but do not worry I'm here to help you the best way I can The ?rst and most important thing I want you to do is love yourself and your body regardless of whether you're where you want to be right now or not You have one body so treat it right and show it love This plan will help you not only achieve this but will inform you about di ?erent types of workouts and which ones best ?t you What will be included - Week Workout Guide Illustrations of di ?erent exercises Information about the di ?erent types of workouts Staying hydrated Active rest days Tips on organisation Remember you ? re not in this alone you have me I will push you every step of the way even if I'm not there right beside you If you ?nd it di ?cult at ?rst don't panic Ask a friend or family member to join in Make it fun and exciting to work out not a dreaded task So let ? s get to it Please Hashtag KCSG or Krissycelaplans Follow kcsg community on any of your social media so I can get to know you Always feel free to email me with ANY questions at celasimplicity gmail com PAGE C WEEK TONE SCULPT PLAN BY KRISSY CELA How do I track my progress In my opinion I have found the best method of tracking progress is by taking photos Scales counting body fat percentage and girth measurements can be inaccurate I do not want you to focus on numbers but rather on how you physically and mentally feel Taking pictures is a fantastic way to contrast your progress from the beginning to the end I understand that you may ?nd stepping on the scales part of your day routine however your body uctuates throughout the day Progress pictures tell the truth How do I take progress pics Wear minimal clothing Sounds naughty right but in order to track your body you will need to capture your body as it comes and as it will change Recommended clothing would be a sports bra and shorts Take your progress pictures hands free Keep your phone camera in a stable place and set a timer on it or get someone to take the pics for you Make sure the lighting is clear and bright Do not pose keep your body relaxed in your very ?rst picture

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