Design guide 3 Issue no ?? Working draft ?? for comment BETTER PLACED DESIGN GUIDE FOR HERITAGE Implementing the Better Placed policy for heritage buildings sites and precincts Design objectives for NSW Seven objectives de ?ne the key considerations in th
Issue no ?? Working draft ?? for comment BETTER PLACED DESIGN GUIDE FOR HERITAGE Implementing the Better Placed policy for heritage buildings sites and precincts Design objectives for NSW Seven objectives de ?ne the key considerations in the design of the built environment Better ?t contextual local and of its place Better performance sustainable adaptable and durable Better for community inclusive connected and diverse Better for people safe comfortable and liveable Better working functional e ?cient and ?t for purpose Better value creating and adding value Better look and feel engaging inviting and attractive Working Draft ?? for Comment Government Architect ? s foreword Heritage is a living part of our contemporary life The objects buildings stories songs and rituals become a framework and reference upon which we build the future Acknowledging our heritage can bring a richness to life strengthening culture and our understanding of where we have all come from The Design Guide for Heritage embraces the complexity of how we integrate and understand our present and our future with our living past It demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of heritage signi ?cance and encourages an innovative creative and sensitive design approach In Australia we have a chequered past when it comes to respecting and integrating our history Upon arrival our colonial ancestors disregarded the rich living culture of the local Indigenous people and saw the country as a ? blank slate ? on which to write a new chapter of their history Despite this poor beginning we are making progress in acknowledging our Indigenous cultural heritage a shared post-contact history essential to our understanding of our future Furthermore we have made improvements in our understanding of historical signi ?cance Acknowledging that colonial settlement has created a rich and varied heritage of its own we now better understand the importance of spiritual places industrial buildings and the value of contemporary modernist and brutalist buildings We have understood that an approach to heritage which keeps only the grandest of structures does not accurately represent our whole story and that we need to acknowledge and celebrate places for what occurred there rather than just architectural form Many places are a reminder of the resourcefulness of our ancestors and yet other places represent and keep what was once commonplace but now is lost The meaning we take from our heritage is varied and individual It is incumbent on us to care remember and renew it To protect our past sensitively gives it power and meaning and enriches our present This Design Guide seeks to support and educate those working with our built and cultural heritage to encourage the very best responses to keeping these important places so that we can be told our own story and understand from that the potential of our future Peter Poulet Government Architect ?? The past is never dead It ? s not even past ? ?? ?? William Faulkner Requiem for a Nun Working Draft ?? for Comment Heritage Council of NSW foreword The Heritage Council
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Gratuit pour un usage personnel Aucune attribution requise- Détails
- Publié le Aoû 08, 2022
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 181.2kB