Formatting guide e ?nition Plagiarism is the practise of taking someone else ? s work and presenting them as one ? s own It also includes copying the work of others or borrowing someone else ? s original ideas and passing them o ? as your own work using t

e ?nition Plagiarism is the practise of taking someone else ? s work and presenting them as one ? s own It also includes copying the work of others or borrowing someone else ? s original ideas and passing them o ? as your own work using the original work of others without crediting the source s and presenting a piece of work as original and authentic that is actually derived or inspired by someone else work In other words plagiarism is an act of fraud and stealing Plagiarism is not only considered as an act of academic dishonesty and breach of professional ethics but also an illegal practise if it involves copyright infringement breach of intellectual property rights and trademark With the widespread use of internet and ease of access to limitless materials available on every conceivable topic the issue of plagiarism has become even more serious Types of Plagiarism There are multiple practices which are considered as acts of plagiarism here is a detailed discussion Verbatim In literal terms verbatim means copying the work of others word by word with little alterations Verbatim refers to the usage of quotations word for word without clear acknowledgement of the source In academic writing quotations are often used in fact in some cases it becomes absolutely necessary to quote the author in order to add clarity However it is important to use quotation marks or indentation and complete referencing of the source cited Quoted text should be clearly di ?erent from the work done by the author Example Verbatim plagiarism occurs when a writer copies a sequence of seven or more words from another source but fails to adequately identify the quoted passages and does not provide full in- text citation and bibliographic references For instance Original Source Material The printer constructs the object by depositing the ?rst layer of material - such as molten plastic that hardens - and then another and another gradually creating the desired shape As the printer head moves back and forth your -D vision becomes reality Source Ehrenberg R THE -D PRINTING REVOLUTIO Dreams made real one layer at a time SOCIETY FO SCIENCE THE PUBLIC Hoboken USA Plagiarised Version Correct version CThe printer constructs the object by depositing the ?rst layer of material - such as molten plastic that hardens - and then another and another gradually creating the desired shape As the printer head moves back and forth your - D vision becomes reality According to Ehrenberg ??the printer constructs the object by depositing the ?rst layer of material - suc as molten plastic that hardens - and then another and another gradually creating the desired shape As the printer head moves back and forth your -D vision becomes reality ? Accidental Plagiarism Accidental plagiarism occurs without the intention of the writer but is still not acceptable in academic writing There are many reasons that may lead to accidental plagiarism such as ?? When the writer forgets to identify and present source of

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  • Publié le Dec 04, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 43.3kB