Cluniac chant site report outline 1

Cluniac Chant Site Report Outline Pre-France Af Post-France Impact of the building on the performance of chant Gillingham Chant and Its Peripheries ??from the musical point of view one might at least consider carefully the extent to which music inscribed at centres such as Compostela and Saint Martial truly illustrates local practice In many cases the styles and customs of the daughter houses likely were heavily in uenced by processes at the dominant house in Burgundy ? ??Increasingly from the late eleventh century onward the monks moved towards a casual application of the Benedictine Rule and a cultivations of artistic opulence of all kinds in architecture decorative arts poetry music and manuscript illumination In other words they rede ?ned the injunction of St Benedict for labora o As Cluniac monks moved towards a more comfortable lifestyle than would be recommended by Benedict arts and culture were subsequently able to ourish moreso ? Peter the Venerable ??It is more noble to set one ? s hand to the pen than to plow to trace divine letters on the page than furrows upon the ?elds ? C Peter later had to do serious reform to increase austerity under his rule to ?x damage done in time of Hugh ??Cluny maintained one of the largest libraries much larger than that of Saint Martial in the twelfth century in Christendom in the Middle Ages By the time of abbot Hugues III - there were about books at Cluny including works on science philosophy law dialectic grammar medicine music mythology and history ? o If the musical ?ndings and literature at Saint Martial were considered to be musically notable and worthwhile then one can assume that whatever existed in the opulent and well stacked Cluny library was far superior ? Shit got destroyed though ? not very helpful THANKS REVOLUTION ?? Just as Cluniac visual arts spared nothing in their luxurious presentation so poetry and music appear not to have been neglected In the absence of a substantial corpus of music one is forced to answer questions about the importance of Cluny through an examination of obliquely related evidence ? o Appendices conserved in the Bibliothèque Nationale indicate that multiple volumes related to music existed at one point ??Of Note are the following No ?? contains ??versibus rhythmis hymnis prosa et cantu ? No ?? Volumen in quo contintentur Cantica canticorum glossata rationes et de ?nitions VIII tonorum et duo libri de musica ? No is similar No ?? Augustine ??de musica rithmo et metro ? No ?? Ovid ??de arte amatorial et remedio amoris et ille de exilio habens in ?ne Avianum ? ?? We might look beyond Paris for further material but other French libraries do not have much from Cluny either Recently Michel Huglo has surveyed the existing musical manuscripts which might be called Cluniac Cbut most of them are copies from satellite monasteries Since it is clear that one of the principal activities at Cluny was music making it is simply

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