Devada ayu permatasari fresh grad

Devada Ayu Permatasari FRESH GRAD PROFILE Graduated from Diponegoro University majoring in accounting with a GPA I have good health attractive have a high motivation honest communicative and responsible as well as master the operation of the computer In addition I have the ability a good and able to work independently and as a team and be able to face the challenges of the working world CONTACT devadayoud gmail com Sultan Agung St Saditan Brebes SKILLS Ms Word WORK EXPERIENCE ?? JOB TRAINING PT Pegadaian Persero Administrasi Umum Cabang Depok Semarang EDUCATION - STATE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BREBES - STATE JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BREBES - STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL BREBES - DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY Ms Excel Ms Powerpoint Ms Access Internet CERTIFICATE ? UPK Tari Fakultas Ekonomika Bisnis University Diponegoro ? International Seminar Great Networking Leads to Long-lasting Business with Mr Wempy Dyocta Koto ? Training Auditing ??Risk Based Audit ? ? Education and Training Tax Brevet A B ? Computer Courses Microsoft O ?ce LANGUAGES Indonesia English France INDONESIA LANGUAGES FRANCE FRANCE C

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