Ibo guide A GUIDE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD Edition IBO Coordinating Center Prague October C ? Coordinating Center of the International Biology Olympiad October Prague A Guide to the International Biology Olympiad This version compiled by Géra

A GUIDE TO THE INTERNATIONAL BIOLOGY OLYMPIAD Edition IBO Coordinating Center Prague October C ? Coordinating Center of the International Biology Olympiad October Prague A Guide to the International Biology Olympiad This version compiled by Gérard Cobut Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences Brussels and Hans Morélis Produced with help of the National Institute for Curriculum Development of the Netherlands SLO For all information concerning the IBO please contact Dr Tomá ? Soukup Ph D Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Vídenská Prague - Czech Republic Tel or Fax E-mail tsoukup biomed cas cz http www biomed cas cz fgu or Faculty of Science Charles University Vinicna Prague - Czech Republic IBO o ?cial Website http www ibo-info org CCONTENTS Foreword What is the IBO Organization Rules Guidelines for member countries Guidelines for the host country Appendix I Content of the Theoretical Part of IBO II Basic Skills of the Practical Part of IBO III Declaration form for competitors IV List of member countries V List of GHS hazard pictograms CForeword This guidebook o ?ers information about the International Biology Olympiad IBO It contains the Organization Rules of the IBO which are o ?cially accepted by all IBO members and have to be strictly followed by all members It also includes a brief history of the IBO and necessary information for new member countries and future host countries The IBO theoretical and practical curricula that have been accepted by member countries and a list of member countries in the past are included in the Appendices CWhat is the IBO International Biology Olympiad What is the IBO Introduction The International Biology Olympiad IBO is a competition for secondary school students Their skills in tackling biological problems and dealing with biological experiments are tested Interest in biology inventiveness creativity and perseverance are necessary Every member country sends four students who are the winners of the respective national competitions They are to be accompanied by two team leaders as representatives of each country Aims of the IBO In bringing together gifted students the IBO tries to challenge and stimulate these students to expand their talents and to promote their career as a scientist so biology talents do not get lost The Olympiad also is focusing on biology as a beautiful and valuable subject Many biological topics like ethology and ecology stress the importance of biology for society especially items such as nature preservation and or environmental protection The Olympiad o ?ers the opportunity to compare the syllabuses and educational trends in biology in di ?erent countries This is useful information to improve biology education on a national level Many institutions are involved in the organization of the national Olympiad ministry of education industry teachers' associations universities schools Contacts between these institutions will lead to a better understanding and communication about their respective activities in the ?eld of biology History The ?rst international biological competition between Czechoslovakia and Poland from to provided ground for the future IBO proper Positive experience

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