Michelin guide tokyo yokohama shonan 2012

PRESS RELEASE Boulogne France ?? November MICHELIN Guide Tokyo Yokohama Shonan restaurants with three stars with two stars including ryokan and with one star Michelin is pleased to announce the publication of the MICHELIN guide Tokyo Yokohama Shonan which o ?ers a selection of the best hotels ryokans and restaurants in these three regions The guide includes a total of establishments of which are restaurants hotels and ryokans The MICHELIN guide Tokyo Yokohama Shonan is available in both Japanese and English and goes on sale in Japan on December nd In the MICHELIN guide Tokyo Yokohama Shonan we have enriched the selection by expanding the area of Kamakura to include Shonan The new areas covered are Yokosuka Hayama Zushi Fujisawa Chigasaki Hiratsuka Oiso Odawara and Yugawara these are shown on the map attached to this press release In the MICHELIN guide Tokyo Yokohama Shonan selection restaurants earned three stars o in Tokyo in Shonan Sushi Yoshitake in Tokyo joins the selection with three stars - Ryugin in Tokyo is promoted from two stars to three stars - Koan in Shonan Fujisawa joins the selection with three stars restaurants earned two stars n in Tokyo in Yokohama in Shonan including ryokan - restaurants in Tokyo join the selection with two stars and restaurants are promoted from one star to two stars - restaurant in Yokohama is promoted from one star to two stars - restaurant in Shonan Kamakura is promoted from one star to two stars - ryokan in Shonan joins the selection with two stars - Korean restaurant in Tokyo joins the selection with two stars and becomes the ?rst Korean restaurant in the world to achieve this award restaurants earned one star m in Tokyo in Yokohama in Shonan restaurants join the selection with one star in Tokyo in Yokohama in Shonan ?? We are pleased to continue pointing out restaurants with the symbol which we introduced last year This indicates a starred restaurant o ?ering a menu under yen for lunch and or dinner In last year ? s edition of the restaurants quali ?ed for this symbol and in this latest C edition that percentage has risen to more than in Tokyo in Yokohama and in Shonan In the MICHELIN guide Tokyo Yokohama Shonan three Korean restaurants join the selection one of which is the ? ? ?rst in the world to earn two stars Also of the selection is made up of Japanese restaurants and this includes traditional Japanese contemporary Japanese beef specialities fugu izakaya kushiage oden shojin soba sukiyaki sushi tempura teppanyaki tonkatsu unagi and yakitori The remainder is comprised of Chinese European French French contemporary Fusion Italian Italian contemporary Korean Spanish contemporary and Steakhouses Michelin updates its guides every year in order to provide the most reliable information possible for its readers All the restaurants and hotels selected in the previous edition have been re-examined other establishments have also been inspected but were not necessarily selected Just after the launch of edition Michelin inspectors

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