Platon2008 2009 pdf 1 Plato Bibliography - by Luc Brisson with the assistance of Michael Chase and Frédéric Plin CNRS Paris Bibliographie Platonicienne - par Luc Brisson avec la collaboration de Michael Chase et Frédéric Plin CNRS Paris CPlato Bibliograph

Plato Bibliography - by Luc Brisson with the assistance of Michael Chase and Frédéric Plin CNRS Paris Bibliographie Platonicienne - par Luc Brisson avec la collaboration de Michael Chase et Frédéric Plin CNRS Paris CPlato Bibliography - This bibliography based on a Lustrum-type model consists of two lists a list of the editions and translations of Plato's works and a list of titles of studies on Plato and his works arranged according to the alphabetical order of their author's name These lists are preceded by a complete directory of sources ?? periodicals proceedings studies in honor of and collections ?? enabling the reader to precisely locate all listed articles This bibliography does not however include commentaries a directory of critical reviews nor an analytical Index Nonetheless we trust that in its present state this work will prove useful to the members of the International Plato Society Our goal that of my assistant and myself was twofold establish the most complete and accurate list of works published in and on Plato and his works take into account all those earlier studies not mentioned in the International Plato Society's previous bibliographies We hope these directions in English will simplify the use of this bibliography produced in French We would like to express our gratitude to Michael Chase who allowed us to consult the proofs of volume of l'Année Philologique to Tomoko Hatano and to Filip Karfík who respectively provided us with a bibliography of works on Plato published in Japanese and in Tcheq for - We would like to thank Michel Christiansen and Wilfried Kühn for checking the accuracy of the references Any mistakes published however remain our responsibility We gratefully receive any comments or corrections our readers might suggest We trust as well that the next edition of that bibliography will follow as scheduled N B For ancient Greek we have used the following system of translitteration Greek letters are written in Roman letters according to this system eta e omega o dzeta z theta th xi x phi ph khi kh psi ps Iota subscript is written after the letter for exemple ei but if is an alpha which in this case only is a long vowel with a subscript iota ai rough breathings are written as h and smooth breathings are not noted All accents are noted Table of Contents ?? Tables des Matières Sources Periodicals Périodiques Proceedings Congrès Actes de Studies in honor of Mélanges Collections of articles Recueils Plato and his works Editions and translations Éditions et traductions Complete works ?uvres complètes Selected Works ?uvres choisies Individual works ?uvres particulières Divers Miscellaneous Studies on Plato and his works Travaux d'interprétation sur Platon et ses ?uvres CBibliographie Platonicienne - PERIODIQUES AALig ABG AC AClass Aevum Aevum ant AFLPer ?los AGPh AION ?lol AncPhil Annals of Ethics Apeiron Archê ArchPhilos Ariadne Arion ASAA ASHF ASMG Athenaeum AZP Atti della Accademia Ligure di Scienze e Lettere Genova Archiv für Begri ?sgeschichte Bonn L'Antiquité Classique Bruxelles Acta Classica Proceedings of the

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