The hitchhiker x27 s guide to the galaxy
GameSig Archives Page GSA- The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy Ok everyone hang on to your seats and your towels this is probably going to be the wildest adventure game you'll ever play unless Infocom comes out with a sequel which they just might do Before we get started a few words of advice This is not the only way of getting through the game Many of the problems and situations such as the whale's belly have more than one solution So you might want to save the game from time to time and experiment a little to see if you can ?nd other ways of doing things actually it's wise to save the game anyway in case you make a mistake Also consult the Guide frequently during play you will gain some useful insights to some of the objects you come across and even some helpful information sometimes And remember no matter how bad things may look DON'T PANIC Here you are mild-mannered Arthur Dent about to start the worst day of your life although you don't know that yet Actually the day is already getting o ? to a bad start since you've just woken up in the dark with a really bad headache and it's all downhill from here The ?rst thing you need to do is stand up and turn on the light That's a little better anyway Or maybe not since you're having a hard time getting coordinated Grab the dressing gown and put it on then look in the pocket Ah an analgesic Take that then get the screwdriver and the toothbrush and head South to the porch did you hear a tree fall Rather omnious isn't it Here you ?nd something no modern home should be without junk mail Take the mail and go on outside Uh-oh There's a very big bulldozer on its way to level your home and there's Prosser standing by watching it all Are you going to take this lying down You bet you are That's the only way to stop it lie down in front of the bulldozer No matter how close the thing gets don't panic it won't run you over of course in a short time it really won't matter what happens to the house but you don't know that yet Just wait awhile until Ford Prefect shows up read the junk mail while you wait Ford seems a tri e preoccupied with the sky but he is aware enough of you to try and give you back your towel Don't take it or he'll leave and you will be a lot worse o ? than you ever imagined can things be worse than this They sure can Instead of taking the towel ask Ford about your home He will eventually come to his senses and realize what is going on When that happens he will be able to persuade Prosser to take your place in front of the bulldozer while the two of you head
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- Publié le Jan 20, 2022
- Catégorie Industry / Industr...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 52.4kB