Adlai production guide Adlai Production Guide Unknown to many Filipinos Adlai also called Job ? s Tears Coix lacryma-jobi L belongs to the family Poaceae or the grasses the same family to which wheat corn and rice belong But unlike weeds the stem of adlai
Adlai Production Guide Unknown to many Filipinos Adlai also called Job ? s Tears Coix lacryma-jobi L belongs to the family Poaceae or the grasses the same family to which wheat corn and rice belong But unlike weeds the stem of adlai could grow from to meters tall from to nearly feet The grains which come in white or brown in some instances are spherical in shape and have a groove at one end become the source of staple food of many native people particularly in the highlands According to the Bureau of Plant Industry the leaves are to centimeters long to centimeters wide with the base broad and cordate The spikes are to centimeters long erect and peduncled while the male spikelets are about millimeters long Grains are usually harvested - months after sowing Grains are separated from the stalks through threshing and like rice seeds are ?rst sun dried before milling Uses and Bene ?ts As food source Adlai is as versatile as rice It can be cooked and processed as main ingredient for the all-time rice-based kakanin such as maja blanca sinukmani champorado polvoron and turones de adlai to name a few It has a pleasant mild avor making it a good ingredient in soups and broths The grain can be ground into our and used to make breads pastas and porridge The pounded kernel is also made into a sweet dish by frying and coating with sugar It can also be husked and eaten as it is just like peanuts CA tea can be made from the parched seeds while beers and wines are made from its fermented grains Co ?ee or tea is made from the roasted seed Adlai has the highest food energy content kcal compared to corn kcal white rice kcal or brown rice kcal Hence a person who ate a cup of steamed adlai for lunch is build to last a whole day ? s work compared to those who ate rice Adlai is also packed with other minerals including calcium mg phosphorus mg iron mg niacin mg thiamine mg and ribo avin mg Adlai is commonly used as medicine in China as one of the most popular food herbs in diet therapy for painful and sti ? joints The crop is known to have anti -in ammatory antihistaminic muscle relaxant fever reducing and sugar lowering properties Some studies indicate that adlai has anti-allergic anti-mutagenic hypolipemic and anti-diabetic e ?ects Adlai Grains Local Varieties Kibua Ginampay Gulian and Tapol Seeds are available at DA-NOMIARC Dalwangan Malaybalay City Production Management Land Preparation Apply manure and compost before plowing Plow and harrow the area times Planting ?? Seed Preparation Soak the seeds in pure water for hours and incubate in hours prior to planting ?? Planting Distance Make furrow spaced at cm to allow the plant to produce more productive tillers Sow seeds per hill at a distance of cm between hills C ?? Basal Fertilizer Application Adlai is more productive when animal manure
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- Publié le Nov 29, 2021
- Catégorie Heavy Engineering/...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 28.1kB