Communication guide work style assessment

Work Style Assessment Communication Guide CIntroduction What makes a great communicator People have pondered this question for many thousands of years And even today one of the best ways of thinking about it is to use Aristotle ? s three key elements ethos pathos and logos Ethos is about having credibility People are more likely to listen to you and be in uenced by you if they believe what you ? re saying This is a matter of having the necessary experience and knowledge to make you sound believable and convey a strong impression of trust and integrity After all people need to feel that you ? re telling the truth Pathos concerns the ability to make an emotional connection with others It ? s about being in the present and listening and responding to people at an individual level Doing this creates an emotional bond and gives people a reason to believe that what you are saying or asking them to do is directly related to them i e that they have a personal stake in the outcome Logos can be looked at in various di ?erent ways but the most important thing is that you vary the content of your communication to suit the other person If you like it ? s about varying what you say to engage the other person ? s sense of reason And that sense of logic or reason may rely on ??the numbers ? or something else People respond di ?erently to the di ?erent types of information they receive All three elements have something to do with your personality Your personality will in uence whether you appear credible and responsive and critically it also a ?ects the degree to which you match your communication style with the style of other people About This Guide This guide describes how each of the seven core personality types prefers to communicate with other people It also provides tips on how you can have an e ?ective conversation with each of the other personalities by taking account of how they prefer to communicate CAction-taker You are a direct and goal-driven person You enjoy doing practical tasks and are not scared to get cold wet and dirty In fact you are drawn to manual and physical tasks and especially to activities that involve using technology or machinery That's because you can use your particular skills in an applied and systematic way When you're talking to other people you have a can-do attitude and this will manifest itself in a desire to start tasks and get things done You ? re the sort of person who will encourage people to take immediate action Your preference will be for action rather than thinking and you are likely to enjoy situations in which you can ?? ?re- ?ght ? those where you can leap into action and solve problems as you go along From a communications perspective this can mean you don't spend much time explaining why you're going

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