A midsummer night x27 s dream intr oduction
Get hundreds more LitCharts at www litcharts com A Midsummer Night's Dream INTRODUCTION BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE Shakespeare's father was a glove-maker and Shakespeare received no more than a grammar school education He married Anne Hathaway in but left his family behind around and moved to London where he became an actor and playwright He was an immediate success Shakespeare soon became the most popular playwright of the day as well as a part-owner of the Globe Theater His theater troupe was adopted by King James as the King's Men in Shakespeare retired as a rich and prominent man to Stratford- upon-Avon in and died three years later RELATED LITERARY WORKS Unlike many of Shakespeare's plays there's no single source for the plot of A Midsummer Night's Dream But Shakespeare did take various tales and characters from a wide number of sources and stitch them together to create his play For instance the characters of Theseus and Hippolyta come from an English translation of Plutarch's Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans the tale of Pyramus and Thisbe and the name of Titania comes from Ovid's Metamorphoses the story of a man turned into an ass is told in Apuleius's Golden Ass and Oberon's name comes from a medieval French romance entitled Huon of Bordeaux Further a plot that hinges on two lovers ?ghting to marry according to their will and in de ?ance of their fathers was standard in both Greek and Roman drama and also drove the plot of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet KEY FACTS ? Full Title A Midsummer Night's Dream ? When Written Early to mid s ? Where Written England ? When Published though it was ?rst performed earlier probably between - ? Literary Period The Renaissance - ? Genre Comic drama ? Setting The city of Athens and the forest just outside in some distant ancient time when it was ruled by the mythological hero Theseus EXTRA CREDIT Shakespeare or Not There are some who believe Shakespeare wasn't educated enough to write the plays attributed to him The most common anti-Shakespeare theory is that Edward de Vere the Earl of Oxford wrote the plays and used Shakespeare as a front man because aristocrats were not supposed to write plays Yet the evidence supporting Shakespeare's authorship far outweighs any evidence against So until further notice Shakespeare is still the most in uential writer in the English language A Midsummer Night's Parallel Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet around the same time he wrote A Midsummer Night's Dream In A Midsummer Night's Dream Shakespeare mocks tragic love stories through the escapades of the lovers in the forests and the ridiculous version of Pyramus and Thisbe a tragic romance from Ovid's The Metamorphoses that Bottom and his company perform So at the same time Shakespeare was writing the greatest love story ever told he was also mocking the conventions of such love stories It's almost as if Shakespeare was saying Yeah it's tired it's old and I
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- Publié le Sep 24, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 157.3kB