Activity guide Magic Sand Description The instructor introduces a product with unique properties called Magic Sand Students explore its properties in a hands-on activity They learn why it was initially developed and they learn about some of its practical
Magic Sand Description The instructor introduces a product with unique properties called Magic Sand Students explore its properties in a hands-on activity They learn why it was initially developed and they learn about some of its practical applications Prerequisites Student should have an introductory knowledge of nanotechnology that can be provided by Kits and Instruction Time Approximately - minutes Audience Middle or high school students Lesson Objective Students will explore and understand the properties of Magic Sand They will know why it was ?rst developed and they will know some practical uses of Magic Sand National Science Education Standards Content Standard A Understandings about Scienti ?c Inquiry Content Standard B Properties and Changes of Properties in Matter Content Standard E Understandings about Science and Technology llinois State Learning Standards A b Conduct scienti ?c experiments that control all but one variable C b Analyze the properties of materials e g mass boiling point melting point hardness in relation to their physical and or chemical structures B b Analyze and describe the processes and e ?ects of scienti ?c and technological breakthroughs This learning kit was made possible through a generous gift from Motorola Inc and through support from the National Science Foundation To order more kits from this series please see our website http www nano-cemms uiuc edu Instructional Method The instructor uses a PowerPoint presentation to introduce Magic Sand in a guided exploration Students explore Magic Sand in a hands-on activity and compare its properties to those of regular sand The instructor explains the reason why Magic Sand was developed and some ways in which it is useful Materials ? evaluation and assessments ? paper plates ? Power Point presentation and ? plastic spoons documents on CD ? plastic knives ? overhead transparencies of slides ? plastic yellow dispensers ? pound of magic sand ? sieve ? pound of regular sand ? Tupperware container ? tiny plastic cups ? co ?ee ?lter ? plastic drinking cups Teacher provides LCD or overhead projector and tap water Preparation Fill each yellow dispenser ? full of water Prepare plates that each are holding knife spoons tiny cups one full of Magic Sand and the other full of regular sand drinking cups and the ?lled yellow dispenser Prepare the sieve and the container for water Background Information Sand is made up of particles of silica Silica is composed of threedimensional network of silicon and oxygen atoms On the surface of the grains the oxygen atoms bond covalently to hydrogen atoms When you put beach sand in water the partially positive and partially negative ends of the silica and water are attracted to each other So the sand ??likes ? water and is ??hydrophilic ? Magic Sand is also made of silica but it has been treated with methyl CH groups Magic Sand is an example of how nanoscale changes can a ?ect the properties of a substance dramatically Ordinary sand is hydrophilic water- loving or water-absorbing When nanoscale-sized methyl groups are attached the
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- Publié le Mai 13, 2022
- Catégorie Literature / Litté...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 39.7kB