Study guide 2 Study Guide for Arti ?cial Intelligence Students ? Union Informatik AI informatik-ai oeh jku at August Version CWelcome at the TNF When you read this you are either already enrolled in a technical course at JKU or at least show great interes

Study Guide for Arti ?cial Intelligence Students ? Union Informatik AI informatik-ai oeh jku at August Version CWelcome at the TNF When you read this you are either already enrolled in a technical course at JKU or at least show great interest in it Congratulations JKU ? s technical departments in particular enjoy an excellent international reputation and graduates of all TNF studies have excellent job prospects Although the TNF is the smallest with approximately students it is also the most diverse faculty of the JKU with over di ?erent studies At the beginning of a new course of study it takes time to get to grips with the university or to get to know the course of study better These are reasons of which often questions or problems arise that make you unsure of what to do This is where we ??the ? H TNF ??come into play Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or problems We always have an open ear and will do our best to help you The best way to reach us is to send us an e-mail or to come directly to one of the StV consulting cafés at the TNF- Kammerl I You can ?nd out more about this in this brochure ??it should serve as a guide for starting your studies and hopefully already answer many of your questions The ? H TNF is subdivided into di ?erent student unions StV which depending on what you are studying represent your interests and advise you on problems with courses or professors In this brochure you can ?nd out who is in charge of which studies and how you can reach them The ?rst part provides you with general information about the university and your studies The second part was written by your StV is tailored to your studies and o ?ers further information to help you get o ? to a successful start Besides our homepage www oeh jku at abschnitte technik-und- naturwissenschaften email tnf oeh jku at and Instagram instagram com oehtnf you also have the possibility to contact us via Facebook fb com jkuoehtnf On behalf of the entire ? H TNF I wish you every success in your ?rst or new semester and a good start to your studies ??I hope we see you over a cup of co ?ee in the TNF-Kammerl or at another of our many events Marius Tillner Chairman of the ? H Faculty Representation TNF marius tillner oeh jku at CInhaltsverzeichnis I General Information for Studies at the TNF I What is the ? H I Structure Outline I Contact Data I The TNF-Kammerl I Studying at the TNF I steps to studying at JKU TNF I Study Manual CEUS I JKU Campus Map I The academic year - dates and deadlines I JKU Card and Service Points I Kepler University Study Support System KUSSS I Types of Courses I Completion of the Bachelor ? s programme I About the

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