FONTYS STUDENT GUIDE CAMPUS EINDHOVEN WELCOME to Fontys in Eindhoven! Published by: Fontys Technology and Business Bachelors (FTB) Fontys Hogeschool Marketing and Management (FHMM) Rachelsmolen 1, 5612 MA Eindhoven, The Netherlands • • Thanks to Fontys International Campus Venlo and NUFFIC for the allowance to use some content of the Holland Guide. Photography: NUFFIC, Fontys. WELCOME to Fontys in Eindhoven! We are very pleased with your choice to study at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven. This guide will help you with your first steps and give you practical tips about: preparing your trip to Eindhoven arriving in Eindhoven  finding your way around Fontys University Campus in Eindhoven  exploring the city of Eindhoven, where to go & what to do  getting to know Dutch culture important things to do before leaving Eindhoven Fontys Student Guide Campus Eindhoven CAMPUS EINDHOVEN 3 WORD OF WELCOME Dear students, As directors of Fontys Campus Eindhoven (English stream programs FTB/IBMS) we would like to warmly welcome you to Fontys. Our university of Applied Sciences is a university where students (bachelor and exchange) coming from all over the world are educated to become high-class bachelors. We train them by using study programmes in Technology, Business Engineering and Marketing/Management that offer good prospects on the Dutch and foreign job market. At the same time, it is a community where students from various countries work with each other and learn from each other in international classrooms. Students and lecturers show interest in and respect other cultures, different opinions and different values and standards. Highly trained and experienced lecturers guarantee our expertise and a top grade education. Fontys maintains an extensive partnership network of (international) companies, organisations and educational institutes. This student guide offers you some practical information that will help you on your way. It gives you information about Fontys English taught programs in Eindhoven, but also about preparing your trip, about the Netherlands, about Eindhoven and anything else that might be worthwhile for you to look into. We hope that you will enjoy your stay here and that you will look back on your experience here in Eindhoven that changed your life. Mrs E. J Hueting (Ella) Director Fontys Engineering (FTB) R.J. Philipsen (Ronald) Director Fontys IBMS (FHMM) G.H.L. Lenssen (Gerard) Director Fontys IE&M (FTB) A.P .W. Vissers (Ad) Director Fontys ICT (FTB) COMING TO EINDHOVEN PRE-DEPARTURE AND DEPARTURE ARRIVING IN THE NETHERLANDS / EINDHOVEN FIRST THINGS TO DO CAMPUS EINDHOVEN INFORMATION ABOUT STUDY ENVIRONMENT AND MORE ABOUT LIVING IN EINDHOVEN EXPLORING EINDHOVEN TYPICAL INFORMATION YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT EINDHOVEN THE DUTCH WAY DUTCH CULTURE AND LIVING HABITS BEFORE LEAVING EINDHOVEN TIME TO SAY GOODBYE 05 10 16 32 46 62 COMING TO EINDHOVEN 5 COMING TO EINDHOVEN PRE-DEPARTURE AND DEPARTURE Hello! You have decided to come to Eindhoven. So what’s next. What is essential to prepare before coming to us? VALID TRAVEL DOCUMENTS / 7 ACCOMMODATION / 8 ONLINE ARRIVAL AND EMERGENCY FORM / 9 DEPARTURE CHECKLIST / 9 6 DIRECTLY FROM THE START I’VE BEEN ABLE TO MAKE REALLY NICE FRIENDS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD AND BY MEETING INTERNATIONALLY ORIENTED PEOPLE I HAVE LEARNED A LOT. COMING TO EINDHOVEN 7 PRE-DEPARTURE AND DEPARTURE PRE-DEPARTURE AND DEPARTURE Before you take off to the Netherlands, there are some very important things you need to prepare. Make sure there won’t be any unpleasant surprises when you arrive in Eindhoven! See also See also My departure checklist on one of the next pages. Valid travel documents All students (exchange and bachelor) from NON EEA countries, except students from Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United States and South Korea, need a Temporary Residence Permit (Machtiging Voorlopig Verblijf - MVV) before coming to the Netherlands to study. This MVV enables you to stay in the Netherlands for up to 90 days. Because you will stay in the Netherlands for more than 90 days, you also need to apply for a residence permit. Fontys will help you with this procedure. Please note that it is not possible to apply for a study-visa yourself! The requirements are not completely the same for all nationalities so it is important to read carefully all the infor- mation you will receive from the online system VisaCare+ from (Fontys) Student Administration International (SAI). NON EEA Exchange students will have to pay the amount for the MVV, the residence permit and insurance and give proof of sufficient financial means. Non-EEA bachelor students will have to pay the total payment letter amount before the visa application procedure is started. You can find detailed information on our website (see practical information). If you encounter any kind of difficulties during your application process for the MVV/ visa please contact: We would like to mention that on average (depending on your lifestyle), a student living and studying in Eindhoven will need around 1000 Euro a month to cover his expenses. This includes rent for accommodation, meals, insurance, public transportation, books, clothing and other general costs. EEA countries are all EU member countries including Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. COMING TO EINDHOVEN 8 Accommodation In order to make use of accommodation offered by Fontys you will need to download, fill in and return the accommodation form before the set deadline. Mind that change of housing - once the contract has been signed - is not possible. By placing a request for accommodation with the accommodation form, you will be informed by Fontys Student Administration International (SAI) about your placement and you will be asked to transfer a deposit to the housing company which has to be paid in advance. Mind that accommodation arranged by Fontys is for the 1st academic year. For more information, see: click on practical information. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), the Netherlands is not an expensive place to live compared to other countries worldwide. Compared to other cities in the Netherlands Eindhoven is a safe and affordable place to live in. Fontys offers its international students two options of accommodation. Rooms in dormitories offered by housing agencies or rooms from private landlords. COMING TO EINDHOVEN 9 Emergency form (only for FTB students): During the first weeks, your Fontys study counsellor will ask you to fill in an emergency form. The data you provide are used to inform your family/friends in case of an emergency. Therefore you have to fill out an emergency form with contact data from your parents or relatives as soon as you have arrived in the Netherlands. In case of emergencies Fontys will know whom to contact then. When travelling always take care of your luggage and beware of pickpockets! My departure checklist for things to settle or to consider before leaving to the Netherlands: •  Valid passport (including visa, if needed). •  Copy of admission letter of Fontys. •  Certified copies diploma and grade list both in original language and translation. •  Copy of proof of marital status (if applicable). •  Copy of birth certificate. •  Arrange health, liability and repatriation insurance (for EEA students). •  Arrange accommodation. •  Book travel ticket to the Netherlands. •  Contact buddy. •  Fill in the emergency form (only for FTB students). •  Finalize enrolment procedure with Fontys (if necessary). •  Medical records (if required). •  Instructions to locate your country’s embassy/consulate. •  Be sure you have cash money (Euros) with you; amount needed approximately € 800,-. COMING TO EINDHOVEN 10 ARRIVING IN THE NETHERLANDS/ EINDHOVEN FIRST THINGS TO DO Pack your bag, grab the ticket and take the plane. Well prepared, you have arrived in the Netherlands. What are the next steps in your Dutch adventure? ARRIVAL IN THE NETHERLANDS / 12 FONTYS BUDDY / 13 CULTURE SHOCK: DEVELOP SOCIAL NETWORKS / 14 11 FONTYS HAS A REALLY NICE EXCHANGE PROGRAM. I HAVE REALLY APPRECIATED THAT. FONTYS GAVE ME AN IMPRESSIVE EXPERIENCE IN MY FIRST STUDY ABROAD. ARRIVING IN THE NETHERLANDS/ EINDHOVEN 12 Arrival in the Netherlands When you arrive in the Netherlands there are several things you will need to have at hand or do in order to get started at Fontys. Your point of arrival in the Netherlands will most likely be Amsterdam Schiphol Airport: Information for international students arriving at Schiphol Airport Amsterdam. •  After leaving the aeroplane follow the signs “Baggage hall”. •  At passport control take the counter “EU citizens” or “Other passports” and show your passport/visa. •  In the “Bagage hall” look at the monitor which belt you have to go to for picking up your luggage. In case luggage is missing go to the counter to report missing luggage. •  When leaving the “Baggage hall” choose the exit “Nothing to declare”. •  In the arrival hall follow the signs “Nederlandse Spoorwegen“(= Dutch Railways). •  The Railway station is situated directly below Schiphol airport and it will take you 3 minutes walking to get there. Of course, uploads/Litterature/ study-guide-interactief.pdf

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