Annotated bibliography a j pdf

Plato's Sophist Annotated bibliography First Part A - J http www ontology co biblio plato-sophist-biblio-one htm Annotated Bibliography on Plato's Sophist A - J Index of the Section Semantics and Predication Before Aristotle Parmenides and Plato Parmenides and the Question of Being in Greek Thought Annotated Bibliography on Parmenides A-D E-K L-Q R-Z Critical Editions and Translations of Parmenides' Poem Plato's Parmenides and the Dilemma of Participation Annotated Bibliography on Plato's Parmenides Semantics Predication Truth and Falsehood in Plato's Sophist Annotated Bibliography on Plato's Sophist A-J K-Z Plato's Cratylus and the Problem of the Correctness of Names BIBLIOGRAPHICAL RESOURCES ON PLATO AND LEXICON See the page about Plato's Parmenides RECENT CRITICAL EDITIONS AND TRANSLATIONS OF THE SOPHIST Critical Editions of the Greek Text Platonis Opera Oxford Clarendon Press Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit Ioannes Burnet Oeuvres Complètes Tome VIII troisième partie Le Sophiste Paris Belles Lettres Texte établi et traduit par Auguste Diès di CPlato's Sophist Annotated bibliography First Part A - J http www ontology co biblio plato-sophist-biblio-one htm Platonis Opera Vol I Eutyphro Apologia Crito Phaedo Cratylus Theaetetus Sophista Politicus Oxford Oxford University Press Recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxerunt E A Duke W F Hicken W S M Nicoll D B Robinson J C G Strachan revision of the edition published by John Burnet - English Translations Plato's Theory of Knowledge The Theaetetus and the Sophist Translated with a Running Commentary New York Harcourt Brace and Co Translated by Francis Macdonald Cornford Plato's Sophist Part II of The Being and the Beautiful Chicago University of Chicago Press Translated and with commentary by Seth Benardete Plato' Sophist Lanham Rowman Little ?eld Translation with introduction and notes by William S Cobb Sophist Indianapolis Hackett Translated with introduction and notes by Nicholas P White Platos' Sophist or the Professor of Wisdom Newburyport Focus Publishing Translation introduction and glossary by Eva Brann Peter Kalkavage Eric Salem Plato's Sophist A Translation with a Detailed Account of its Theses and Arguments Bern Peter Lang Translated by James Duerlinger French TranslationsParménide Théetète Le Sophiste Paris Gallimard Traduction de Auguste Diès réimpression de la traduction publiée en Le Sophiste Paris GF Flammarion Traduction inédite introduction et notes par Nestor-Luis Cordero Italian Translations Tutti gli scritti Milano Bompiani Il So ?sta traduzione di Claudio Mazzarelli prima edizione Milano Rusconi So ?sta Milano Rizzoli Testo greco a fronte traduzione e note di Francesco Fronterotta So ?sta Torino Einaudi Testo greco e traduzione a cura di Bruno Centrone German Translations di CPlato's Sophist Annotated bibliography First Part A - J http www ontology co biblio plato-sophist-biblio-one htm Der Sophist Hamburg Meiner Griechisch-Deutsch Neu bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Reiner Wiehl auf der Grundlage der Übersetzung von Otto Apelt Au Der Sophist Stuttgart Reclam Griechisch-Deutsch Mit Einleitung Übersetzung und Kommentar von Helmut Meinhardt Spanish Translations Diálogos Parménides Teeteto Sof? sta Politico vol V Madrid Gredos Traducción e introducciones Maria Isabel Santa Cruz Parménides PolÍtico A Vallejo Campos Teeteto Nestor Luis Cordero Sof? sta Revisión C García Gual y F García Romero

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